Friday, January 30, 2009


The Bible describes God as the most passionate, pursuant, and perfect lover. The Bible not only speaks of passionate love between men and women... but it shows God as the ultimate lover... in the courting of His human creations. Between God and us lies the greatest of all Romances!!!
We dont normally think of God as a romantic lover in the way that romance and passion is shared between a man and a woman. But it is the romance between Him and us that He wishes to symbolise in our passionate quest and desire for oneness with the opposite sex. There are many different kinds of passions but none quiet as intense as the passion of lovers... except God's passion for us. The desire... the passion... the chase and ultimately the marriage of the husband to the wife... and Christ to the church.
Romantic love is distinct throughout Scripture. *Will a girl forget her finery or a bride her ribbons? Yet my people have forgotten me over and over again.* God is a passionate lover... and passion can fuel anger. God desires us for His bride! *For as a young man weds a maiden, so you shall wed Him who rebuilds you* Pretty intense.... huh?
God is the perfect lover.... He vents His frustration and then whispers, *I will still woo her, I will go with her into the wilderness and comfort her*(Hos 2:14)
He comes to us and takes on the nature of the most lowly slave. he walks with us and experiences our greatest sorrows and our most heart felt joys.... heals the sick and casts out demons.
We still turn our backs but in the end there is no fighting it. We have been caught by our true and only husband. We have seen that love really does reign over death... love is stronger than life itself... in the end its hard to comprehend why we ran so hard from this perfect lover.So finally the bride is made new. Very soon the wedding of all weddings will begin. Heaven will open and the bridegroom will appear on a white horse. And so God romances us the same way that we romance our husband or wife.

Fall in love with God
Hugs...Love... &
**Then when you call, the Lord will answer. "Yes, I am here," He will quickly reply.
~ Isaiah 58:9**

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