Thursday, January 8, 2009

Blessing others

I totally forgot to share this before we went on Christmas vacation. Little miss Molly has Nephrotic Syndrome. I met her mum through my blog. She is such a lovely ladies... I am just so blessed to call her *Friend*
Now most of you know that Michael encouraged me to make Prayer Blankets for children with Nephrotic Syndrome up at the hospital he goes to.... well....... I told Michael about Molly and he said.......... *so you're going to make her a prayer blanket then ... right?* Um......... well gee... of course.... *whew* After some thought... I reached out to a group of ladies on the net for help... wanting to make a super care package for Molly with the Prayer Blanket as the start.
The response was awesome and I sent Molly a big box of goodies! Books, doll, scarf, game, stuffed animals, the prayer blanket, a cupcake purse I made and filled with goodies... and much more.
The package made it to its destination safely.......... Molly and her mum were so excited I received a wonderful phone call full of thanks!!! Molly's mum even sent a little note of thanks to the lovely ladies that helped......... through her blog.
I would like to Thank all that helped... either by making something.. sending something along or by simply praying. This was GREAT!!! God Bless you all!!!
Huge Hugs.... Lots of Love
and Bountiful

**God blesses those who are merciful, for they will be shown mercy.
~ Matthew 5:7**

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