Wednesday, January 21, 2009

Good Morning....

“Therefore, if anyone is in Christ, he is a new creation; the old has gone, the new has come!” 2 Corinthians 5:17

A crisp winter morning... the snows of days before have melted.... the sun is bright.. the sky is clear and my heart is at peace. How can I be in this place, with this life, resting in my God’s arms? Rewind my life and you would not believe that I could be here, reading my Bible, praising my God.
I didnt always make very good decisions in my youth which left me feeling worthless. Those “feelings” then led to more unlovely decisions and soon I had to look up to see pond scum. Trying to lift myself up, then inevitably crashing, created a circle of defeat. I was in the gutter.
I knew about God, but didn’t know God.
What in the world was wrong with me? Why couldn’t I just get it right? For years it was my own effort, my own thoughts, my own decisions that created the brokenness in my life. Sure there were temporary moments of possible peace, but when failure arrived again, crawling into the gutter seemed only natural.
Then I met Jesus through Ken who had needed to seek out the answers of ... "whats really next after death?" I spent alot of time fighting with myself and Jesus... How could He love me and forgive all my sins so easily when I couldnt forgive myself? That was one of the first major changes for me.... to forgive myself and LET Jesus love me. I discovered that without making some changes, there really wasn’t any room for Him in there. I stopped trying to understand and just except His love and began a journey to know my Savior. Mine was a slower process than Kens. When I faltered, my natural tendencies wanted to find the nearest trench, yet the new creation inside wanted desperately to spread wings and fly above it.
God calls to each of us day-by-day, minute-by-minute. He uses creation and circumstances and people we haven’t even met, to bring about His purposes, His plans and His hope. Sometimes He works like an overnight sensation, but more often than not, He touches and changes us one predicament at a time.... and its never promised it would be easy... Either way, we are guaranteed a gutter-free life when we seek His face.
Dear Lord, how insufficient we are at finding our true path in life. We need You to navigate our steps. Our own efforts at trying to be good are never good enough, we need You to take us by the hand today and lead us. In Jesus’ Name, Amen.

Yep......... Show & Share time...
This is Michael's puppy. Puppy started out as his travel buddy when we took our first REAL vacation and drove to Arizona years ago. Well... Puppy has become very loved over the years... he's great to cuddle with when you're sick... when you're scared... or just when you need to hug on someone. A couple years ago... Michael had asked me to make Puppy a sweater... I did. Then he asked me to make him a pair of pants. So the trip home from Arizona this last Christmas I made Puppy a pair of pant.

I recently shared a picture of this blanket... but wanted to share it once more showing the ribbon I wove around the edges for some contrast.

This is a charity square being sent to a lovely lady on the 'ville who is putting together a comfortghan for grieving parents over the loss of their 16 yr old son.
Have a great day and a wonderful week!

**Yes, I am the gate. Those who come in through me will be saved. They will come and go freely and will find good pastures.
~ John 10:9**


Cloud 9 said...

Hi Tam. Kim here. I saw your message to check out your blog over at the Celt's group. :D I love all of your crochet work. Twas fun to look through all of the beautiful things. :D:D:D
Here is my blog address if you want to check out mine.
I have mostly book reviews but there are some crochet things as well. And a scarf along too!

Dragonflymom said...

Wonderful Post, Tammy, and the work is amazing of course.