Wednesday, November 21, 2018

Day #21...................

~ 30 Days of Thanks...... Day#21

I'm thankful for...........

... my Lord & Savior
... coffee time in the mornings with my mom
... a pretty peaceful commute this morning
... a super slow day at work
... babybel cheese and crackers for a snack
... coffee
... Jesus hanging on to me and helping me fight Satan most of last night so I could get a couple hours sleep
... flower seed orders still coming in
... my boss letting me go home early today to get a nice start on my Thanksgiving
... Family
... Friends
... Michael having an interview today for a new job!
... another beautiful day of sun and 47*
... more coffee

~ I will give thanks to you, LORD, with all my heart; I will tell of all your wonderful deeds. - Psalm 9:1~

.:: Tammy ::.

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