Saturday, December 29, 2012

Patrick's second day.....

At Standford University................had a great time spending time with Stephen Strasburg.
Patrick participated in several different stations in the clinic.... and then got to show is pitching talent while Stephen and other college coaches watched!   He got himself noticed this weekend.

hugs... love... & blessings...

Friday, December 28, 2012

Patrick's first day ........

...... at the Elite Pitching Academy at Stanford University.
Here it is................. The baseball field my baby is going to spend the next couple days on.... learning from awesome coaches.... showing off his own pitching talent and meeting Stephen Strasburg from the Washington Nationals.

Wow.... look at this place!!!!

The pitching mound........................
I am so excited for Patrick... so proud of him.
I pray for great fun and success today for Patrick!
Mommy loves you buddy!

(`'·.¸(`'·.¸ ¸.·'´) ¸.·'´)
«´¨`·.¸¸.*God Bless!*·¸¸ ..´¨`»
(¸.·'´(¸.·'´ `'·.¸)`'·.¸)

Thursday, December 27, 2012

¸.•*´¨`*•.¸¸.•Thankful Thursday..........

Thankful for.........
...Sunny Florida morning
...Patrick off on his trip to Standford University
...having a lovely house of our own on vacation
...cameras for helping store memories
...burgers on the grill
...portable Internet 
...crocheting more slippers
...playing 'draw something' with David & Michael - fun time
...Family & Friends being so loving and supportive
...God forgiving me and loving me more than even I can

Have a very Thankful Thursday of your own!
Love you all!
A big weekend..............
Patrick was invited to Standford University to pitch in a clinic with Stephen Strasburg.
Ken and Patrick will be leaving early this morning for the airport to take them to California. 
Patrick will spend two days on the Standford University Campus learning from the best and showing off his pitching talent.
I'm so excited and proud of him!  
Patricks ride to the airport..............

Ken & Patrick heading out................
Show 'em what you got Patrick...... I'm so proud of you!
Very Thankful
hugs... love... & blessings...

Wednesday, December 26, 2012

¸. • *' ¯ ♥ Warm Wednesday..........

........Thank you Lord God for a wonderful new day!
Thank you for keeping our path clear through all of Satans attempts to delay or stop this Christmas trip!
Thank you Father for oh so very much!!!
*Coffee first thing in the morning
*Sun coming up over the ocean and my boys being able to see it
*Being able to see my beautiful Aunt Joyce and wish her a Merry Christmas
*Hugging and loving on family ( Sarah Jo - Hailey - Uncle Lou)
*The boys having a great Christmas
*Ken working so hard to be "here" and give the boys the best Christmas ever
*My Navy son for doing what he does to help keep us safe so we can have this kind of Christmas while he is away from us and working!
*My son Christopher  and Daughter Jamie for bringing such joy to my life!!!
*Early morning fishing for Ken and David off our dock. Good luck!
*For Family.... no matter how far they are.... I'm so thankful I have them in my life.... even if its through texts...emails... or facebook.... I love you all so much!!!
*Thank you God for loving me like no one else can!!!! I love you back!!!! & blessings to you all
have a wonderful Wednesday! ♥
Some morning Father & Son Fishing time...................
...........God is Good!!!!
hugs... love... & blessings...

Tuesday, December 25, 2012

Christmas Day..................

Shhhh...... Look... Santa was here.................... time to wake up the boys!  :)

heheee... the boys being weird while I take a pic of them getting ready to open their "Santa" gifts......

Whoa................ Look what they got!!   How cool!  Droid phones for David & Michael ... and an iPad 3 for Patrick!   They must have been good this year!  :)

And we're off to the Beach for the day!
Writing in the sand on Daytona Beach...............
Merry Christmas 2012




Ken & Tammy

Ken made it to the Ocean for Christmas!!
Patrick & his dad!!!

Hope everyone had a wonderfully Blessed Christmas!!!!

`°º·¤.¸¯`°º·¤.¸¯`°º·¤.¸ ¸.¤·º°´¯ ¸.¤·º°´¯ ¸.¤·º°
~~~ Hugs...Love...& Blessings..............Tam~~~
¤·º°´¯ ¸.¤·º°´¯ ¸.¤·º°´¯
¯`°º·¤. ¸¯`°º·¤. ¸¯`°  

Monday, December 24, 2012

Christmas Eve...................... the Beach!!! 
Fun in the water...........

Fun on the sand................

Fun in the sand...............

Seagulls & Pigeons waiting for us to feed them........

And we're just about ready for Santa..... just need to set out milk & cookies!

Tomorrow we're heading to the Beach again for some Christmas Day fun!!!
Have a very Merry Christmas everyone! 
hugs... love... & blessings...

Saturday, December 22, 2012


YES!!!!!!!!   We're here........... we're here!!!!

The boys are really happy to be here!

hugs... love... & blessings...

Friday, December 21, 2012

Joplin MO.....................

We made it!!!!  *whew*  
With the bad roads and rush hour traffic all the way through KC.... it took longer than it should have... but we made it and I got to hug on my family!

Ken and I with my sweet ... wonderful... loving Aunt Joyce!   She taught me to knit and crochet when I was 7 years old!  
 I love you Aunt Joycie!!!!!!!!!!   So So very much!!!!!!!!!!!!
Michael ..... Hailey.....David and Patrick had fun visiting!  
 umm................maybe a little too much fun visiting.... LOL.... :)
hugs... love... & blessings...

Thursday, December 20, 2012

Snow day......................

Means everyone helps pack and we head out on our Christmas vacation as soon as we can!!!

First stop... Joplin MO to see my sweet Aunt Joyce!!!  She's in the hospital not feeling well.... so we're gonna go cheer her up!   *** prayers for her would be very much appreciated!!***
Then we are off to Florida for some needed family time.

hugs... love... & blessings...

Tuesday, December 18, 2012

Sunday, December 16, 2012

We continue to pray.....

God Bless all......
(`'·.¸(`'·.¸ ¸.·'´) ¸.·'´)
«´¨`·.¸¸.*Tam!*·¸¸ ..´¨`»
(¸.·'´(¸.·'´ `'·.¸)`'·.¸)

Saturday, December 15, 2012

And we pray.............

♥¸.•°*”˜˜”*°•♥Our Dear Lord God,
hear your diverse people
as a world unites in prayer and compassion
for the people of Newtown Connecticut.
We pray for all involved in the tragedy at Sandy Hook Elementary School.
Bless with your kindness those who speak to the broken-hearted.
Bless the teachers, paramedics, medical staff and police
with courage, skill and wisdom.
Bless those who mourn.
Bless those who grieve
and comfort the bewildered.
Help us each to build a world safe and fit for children.
In Jesus Name........
~*~ Amen.♥¸.•°*”˜˜”*°•♥

Mommy loves you Melvin...Christopher...Jamie...Patrick...Michael & David!!! ♥

Friday, December 14, 2012

Freebie Friday.........

::: (\_(\
*: (=’ :’) :*
•.. (,(”)(”)¤°.¸¸.•´¯`» Good Morning •¨¯`• 
Hope all is well with everyone!  We're busy getting ready for Christmas! 
Today will be errand day and gift shopping.... all day wrestling day....getting tons done around the house!

Today's Freebie is going to be a tutorial for the slippers I've been making lately!  I've had a few ladies not understand the written instruction completely.. so thought I would put out a few pictures to help.

This is the 8th pair of slippers I've made since last month!
I anticipate making many many more next year!!!
Pattern can be found HERE

This is the beginning of the toe.  (bad lighting... sorry!)

This is the beginning of the foot part

And now we have the part that seems to cause an issue for some... the heel
the pattern says............. ch 11

The pattern reads like this....
Row 1: Using both loops, sc in 2nd ch from hook and in each of next  9 ch; sc in each of next 20 (25 - 25) sc; sc in each ch on opposite side of beg ch; ch 1, turn.

You will sc down one side of the ch 11 .... around the foot.... and back up the other side of the ch11

And now in back loop only you will turn and sc back down to the foot... around and back up.... it will start to look like this............

work in this manner for  the rows required for the size you're  making......

Coming to the end ..... slip stitching it close...... and you're done.

And there ya go............ make a second one and now you have a wonderful pair of slippers to keep your feet warm!!!
I sure hope this helped.  If you have more questions... please ask.. I'd be happy to answer them!
Off to get my boys movin' for the day!
Its biscuits and gravy morning at school.... YUM!!!
Have a wonderfully blessed day!!

Thursday, December 13, 2012

¸.•´¯`•.¸Thankful Thursday¸.•´¯`•.¸

.•´¯`•.´¯`•.¸¸.•´¯`•.¸I'm thankful for ....
....the beautiful sunrise this morning! Such a pretty pink!
....another pair of slippers made
....fresh pot of coffee!
....Michael still doing good... getting closer to remission! headache being dull enough that I can at least see so I can keep crocheting! Thank you God wonderful friends awesome family fantastic church and minister for all their love and prayers
....loads of yarn to create things with
....caring teachers and coaches
....being a sub at the Conestoga schools
....Pizza Hut for making dinner last night :)
....the post office so I can mail out my boxes of charity items sitting room to relax in (enjoying the sunny day... and watching the sun set from my bay window) blog warm home
....My ever so loving God in Heaven... for loving me just the way I am....especially the days I may not feel so love worthy or loved. What an awesome Father! ♥ •´¯`•.´¯`•.¸¸.•´¯`•.
.::Hugs...Love & Blessings::.

Tuesday, December 11, 2012

Let God.....................

Ever heard the saying "Let go, and let God?" In life we must know that ultimately there will be times that we are uncomfortable, and sometimes we experience things that are out our control such as losing a friend.... a job...or becoming ill....etc.  What we must all realize is that though many of us are full of great strength, we are not invincible, and that it is much better to depend on the strength of God to make it through tough times, instead of depending on our own hearts or any other person's.

In life there are times that some people are relieved from playing roles they may have previously been prominent in, so that instead of leaning on them, you will begin to lean more on God and his will for your life. Everyone is capable of failing, but with God, no error or mistrial in life will hold you back from achieving the greatness he has set for you to achieve.
"Let God"  ......... be your friend... provide for you and your family.... walk with you through your illness... heal you.... comfort you.................... LOVE YOU! ♥
A little Show & Share time....................
Slippers .... #6 & #7
Made these to tuck in my "gift giving drawer"    I started making things in between orders and other gifts to tuck away in a drawer for that last minute gift or charity need that might come about!   I had one a handful of years ago... but let it run empty.   The boys had even found it handy when they wanted to give a quick gift to a friend.
I do love this slipper pattern!   I think the next pair I make will be a men's pair.    These are a great way to use up a bunch of my smaller stash!
Well... off for a refill on my coffee... and get an order for Husker Beanies done!
Have a great day everyone!!! & blessings,

Monday, December 10, 2012


........I'm missing my daddy!!!!  Which takes me down memory lane.... from a little girl to woman.  One memory to another... one thought to another ... led me to realizing the struggles us women (me) go though figuring out who we are and where we fit in.
As a little girl..... I knew just who I was.... "daddy's little girl"   But as I grew older I started having more responsibilities and started to wonder who I really was.
Today women struggle to manage all their various roles and the many hats they wear, daughter, sister, auntie, wife, mother, friend, lover, worker, nurse, house duties and so on. Just where do we become ‘me’?

The Proverbs 31 woman was a wife, mother and business woman.
It’s important to remember those three aspects – all knitted into one.

I believe as we grow older we begin to learn more about ourselves but in our younger adult years while coping with a family and work, and being a good wife we can often feel lost from who we really are.
Don’t despair, others have been there before you and it will become more ordered as your life moves on. Content yourself in God’s word and the instructions of King Lemuel’s mother about the Proverbs 31 Woman.

If your family loves you, if your husband knows you care for the home and provide for your family in ways only you can do, if you love the Lord your God and seek His assurance, then you will eventually see who you are and where you have been. You might even get an inkling of where you are going with your life. When I was first told about the Proverbs 31 Woman many years ago  I had no idea what God had in store for me in days ahead.
Never a dull moment.... right?  :)
Enjoy your day.... one moment at a time!

hugs... love... & blessings...
.::One busy lady::.

Sunday, December 9, 2012

Praying for yourself................

When we read through the Bible, one thing we notice is that many times individuals prayed for themselves. Hezekiah, for instance, received word from the prophet Isaiah that he should set his house in order because he was going to die. It was upon hearing this awful news that Hezekiah prayed to the Lord (2 Kings 20:1-3). He wanted God to heal him of this deadly illness.

There are times in our lives when we get sick and maybe even near the point of death. During those times many people approach the throne of God in prayer. Is there anything wrong with doing that? Absolutely not! When Hezekiah found out that he was terminally ill, the first thing he did was pray. Peter tells us, “Casting all your care upon Him, for He cares for you” (1 Pet. 5:7). When I am faced with an illness, I am going to pray. I am going to ask God to please restore my health back if that be his will. You see, like Hezekiah, we must understand that sometimes our prayers are not answered the way that we want. Sometimes we pray to get well but never do. We must always understand that God has a plan for everything. Even those things that we don’t understand, God can use for good. Paul said, “And we know that all things work together for good to those who love God, to those who are called according to his purpose” (Rom. 8:28).

It is also valuable for us to pray for the strength to overcome temptations. Jesus, talking to his disciples, specifically Peter, said, “Watch and pray, lest you enter into temptation. The Spirit indeed is willing, but the flesh is weak” (Matt. 26:41). Each and every day that we wake up, we need to pray to God on behalf of ourselves for the strength to overcome the temptations that we will be facing throughout the day. If we want to fight the good fight and live a life of faithfulness, we must have God’s help in dealing with sin. He can provide us with the strength to overcome any obstacle, even the obstacle of temptation.

There are times in our lives when we fall short of God’s glory (Rom. 3:23) and give in to those temptations that we are faced with. When that happens, what are we suppose to do? I am a firm believer that we should pray to God on behalf of ourselves for forgiveness. In fact, that’s what we read in God’s word. John tells us, “If we confess our sins, He is faithful and just to forgive us our sins and to cleanse us from all unrighteousness” (1 John. 1:9). When we are weak in the flesh and give in to sin, we must pray to God and ask Him for forgiveness.

David is a great example of this. In 2 Samuel 11, we read about David’s sin with Bathsheba. We read about adultery, murder, lies and cover-ups. We read about how that one sin led David down a path of sinful behavior. When confronted by Nathan the prophet in 2 Samuel 12, David realized that he had sinned against the Lord. In Psalm 51 we read a beautiful prayer of forgiveness that David prayed. He had messed up. He had been weak. So He prayed to God asking God to forgive him.

Praying to God on behalf on ourselves is of great value. It is valuable because we are able to pray to God when we are sick asking Him to help heal us or asking Him to be with the doctors and nurses who are going to care for us. It is also valuable because we need to pray daily for the strength to overcome those strong temptations we will be facing. It is when we are weak and give in to these temptations that praying on behalf of ourselves is valuable because we need to seek forgiveness. If we confess, God will forgive!

*** Praying today for all of you my friends ...... and for me!!!***
Have a Super Sunday!!!

Hugs...Love & Blessings
(`'·.¸(`'·.¸ ¸.·'´) ¸.·'´)
«´¨`·.¸¸.*Tam!*·¸¸ ..´¨`»
(¸.·'´(¸.·'´ `'·.¸)`'·.¸)

Saturday, December 8, 2012


"...make every effort to add to your faith goodness; and to goodness, knowledge; and to knowledge, self-control;
and to self-control, perseverance..."
-- 2 Peter 1:5a-6a 
No matter what your struggle has been, victory is possible today. However, most of us don't think that's true. The problem is we tend to measure long term success while downplaying the absolute victory found in small successes. Yesterday a friend of mine emailed to say she'd read my blog and, as a result, she walked away from indulging in a bag of M&Ms. That's a victorious small success. Now, I can't say that her scale will stand up and clap and reward her with much lower numbers today. But, if she builds upon this small success -- choice by choice, day by day -- she will see positive changes. As the New Year approaches, many of us make some kind of healthy eating commitment. But even if that's not your resolution, this principle applies to other struggles as well. If I choose not to snap at my child and instead respond with tenderness, that's a victorious small success. If I choose to pause before responding to the rude sales clerk, thus giving her a smile instead of perpetuating her smirk, that's a victorious small success. If I choose to give my husband the benefit of the doubt rather than jumping to the conclusion he meant to hurt my feelings, that's a victorious small success. I like the way our key verse puts it.  In 2 Peter 1:5-6, we are reminded to "add" some things to our faith. Two of those additions are self-control and perseverance. For me, I have to decide to practice the self-control and perseverance that is mine since God's Spirit lives in me. Think of it like a muscle. We have muscles as a part of our body. But we must add activity to those muscles to make them effective and strong. Our muscles will work for us if we exercise them. Self-control and perseverance will work for us as we practice these over and over. Start with the small victories and bigger victories will come. Sometimes victory seems so far away because we measure it by the end goal. And end goals can seem overwhelmingly huge, daunting, and just plain hard to reach. Instead, if we start measuring our victories by the smaller choices we make each day, victory won't seem so impossible. Big things are built one brick at a time. Victories are achieved one choice at a time. A life well lived is chosen one day at a time.
Dear Lord, I know that with You, victory is indeed possible. Day by day and choice by choice. Help me to believe this truth today. In Jesus' Name, Amen. & blessings,

Friday, December 7, 2012

Freebie Friday.................

Bow style Headband/Ear warmer……………
                                                            Pictured at the top of photo

Yarn: 1.3oz of any scrap RHSS ~

Hook:  I

Stitches:  ch = chain …. sl st = slip stitch … sc = single crochet … hdc = half double crochet …. sk= skip … st(s) = stitch(es)
Special Stitches: beg hdc ~ put hook in first st… yo & pull through… yo .. pull through 2 .. ch1 (counts as hdc)

Leaving a 5 inch tail for tying later…. ch 60

Row 1:  hdc in 3rd ch from hook and in each across (58hdc) … turn
Row 2: beg hdc … hdc across to end (58 hdc) … turn
Row 3-9: repeat row 2 …. Do not bind off

Put two short ends together and sl st  them to create a continuous circle.  Bind off leaving a 5 in tail for tying.
Bunch the headband at the seam you just created and using the 5 inch tails.. tie it tight to create a bow…. Trim tails
With same color yarn or a nice contrasting color… cut a 32 inch piece…. Fold in half.
Wrap (leaving tails for tying) this around the center piece that you created  till its covered to your liking … tie… tuck in tails… trim tails if needed.
Tah Dah……………. You’re done!

Created & written by:   ©Tammy Carlton  -  November 2012
Do not sell pattern.  Do not post pattern without link back to original.

Thursday, December 6, 2012

Thankful Thursday.............

Good Morning Friends..................

How are things with you all?   Its been a busy week for me so far... and looks to continue to be that way! 
Can you be thankful when you're busy?   Sure you can......... being busy can mean several different things... a couple being that you're needed and trusted.
This week has also been emotionally up and down.  Can you be thankful not only when you're happy but when you're sad?   Absolutely!!   First.. what has made you sad?   Family member maybe..... an argument ..... or a strain with a spouse or your kids?  Maybe a Friend..... let you down by not being the friend you thought they were?    Your job.... has it been tough... all the work you do and your feel unappreciated and underpaid?
Well................... That argument or strain will pass.  Whether it ends on a good note or not... it will pass.   You will get though it... you will become a stronger person.. and you will learn from it!  Be thankful for those things... you will be able to respond better and make a better decision or choice if  this type of thing comes up again.    Open your heart and mind and understand.... it takes two to argue... and you're both wrong.  :)
That friend that let you down................... be thankful for all the wonderful times you did have together... the things you learned from them or because of them.  And know... you have lots of friends... some will come and go... some are around to stay forever.   But its what we take away from the friendship that makes the difference in us being Thankful and not bitter.
All I'm going to say about the job issue................ Be Thankful you have one!!!!! 
God never promises us that life will be easy or fun all the time.... He does promise to teach us and guide us and be there right beside us every step of the way to help us through it!   Just like any good parent!!!

So..... Today is Thankful Thursday................... lets be just that...........Thankful!!
I'm thankful for ....
* my children loving me like they do
* my grandchildren being so darn cute
* my husband for being alive
* my home
* my job
* my crafts to keep me busy
* my coffee maker
* my washer for being nice to me today
* my sunroom being straightened up so I can enjoy it now
* my headache not being too bad today so I can crochet
* my yarn supply
* My God Loving Me!!!!

There is just a dozen things off the top of my head this morning .... how about you?  
Have a wonderfully Thankful day............ & blessings,


Monday, December 3, 2012

Its a marvelous Monday...........

.......Sun shinning really bright...clearing the heavy fog from this morning leaving a beautiful day of 55*.... love it!
Great day for getting some laundry done... and being able to hang out some clothes if I want!!! 
Enjoying my few minutes of relax time with my fresh cup of coffee here in between laundry .... dishes and general picking up.  
My youngest was my super duper helpful buddy this morning getting the turtle tank cleaned up.
Patrick was a big help to his dad yesterday as we dealt with a septic issue.... its all better now... just alot of hard work and muscle needed to get the job done!
I'm going to finish up a few things... then sit and enjoy some crochet time while I wait for laundry here and there.   Tomorrow my day is filled with helping my mom get her car to our mechanic... then spend a little time hanging out before my afternoon and evening is busy with the boys and  then a Chili Dinner night put on by the Junior class at the High School to help raise money for the Prom.  
So.... its a good day to be thankful...............
for sun shine and great temps....getting some cleaning done... the washing machine playing nice so far... the boys being able to have a relaxing day finally from their busy weekend.... very breezy day to dry things out... someone being available on a Sunday to come pump our septic - and so very thankful is was just a simple clog and its all better now! .... headache letting up enough for me to function more today.... low sodium tuna.... grocery stores... gas stations... coffee.... having strong sons to help me carry and move stuff.... lots of laundry this weekend -means my boys have plenty to keep them warm! ..... for just enough laundry soap to get the laundry done today - whew.....  God putting annoyances in our lives to keep teaching us patience!


oh...................btw................ this is what 12 dozen cookies look like!   :)
4 different flavors.... 3 dozen each!   
I made these to sell at the Cougar Classic Wrestling Tournament this last weekend at the concession stand!
Sold them ALL!  
I need to make another 12 dozen for Christmas now.
Have a great day everyone.... & blessings,

Sunday, December 2, 2012

Good Morning Sunday.........

Wow... what a headache!!!!  Almost made Patrick take me to the hospital.... :(  man I hate it when they get this bad.   *whew.. but I'm thankful for meds... and having two water heaters in the house so I can use up all the hot water in one taking a Loooong Hot Shower.... at least I can sit up now.
I'm thankful for a wonderfully busy day yesterday at the Cougar Classic Wrestling Tournament!   Thankful for spending time with old friends and making new ones... for being able to run from one end of the school to the other to save my sons contact from drying out after getting it knocked out in a match.... watching Patrick do a fabulous job of wrestling yesterday ... showing what it means to not give up - I'm so very proud of him!!! ..... so thankful for all our wrestlers doing a great job... taking home 1st...2nd...3rd and 4th place medals.... Thankful for our friends at Louisville for taking home the tournament championship - they worked hard and did a good job- Congratulations boys!!! .... Thankful the tournament trainer told Patrick he has to take 2-3 days off wrestling practice!.... for ice packs... and meds.... thankful for more 5 dollar bills getting saved-vacation gas money-yay..... So Thankful that although Ken had to drive to one of his client sites at 2am to work- that he can!!!...thankful for plenty of coffee....Thankful my boys are so caring and helpful-picking up the living room-turning on the dishwasher-and Michael lighting candles to help put a calm in the air ♥  .... Thankful for my sitting room and crocheting... thankful its so darn pretty outside!   And so Very Thankful God Loves Me!!!


 & blessings,