The hot days... the bug filled nights.... "strike one... strike two... strike 3" Patrick gets 'em. The grounders that made it through and got one of our boys on base. The coaches yelling.... "turn and look" Or ... "your up... your up" The encouragement from the stands filled with parents and friends. And last but not least... Doug! A sweet little pug ... that comes across town quite a few blocks as soon as the sound of the bat hits the ball... or the lights come on over the field.
He became a regular at the games. Wondering around hoping for a nacho handout..... panting for water.... and just being cute!

hugs.. love... & blessings
Aaaw... :) It sounds like your family are having a great summer. Memories! <3 :)
Oops~ "You and your family are having a great summer". I must have posted that before I finished my first cup of coffee for the day, lol ;P
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