Back in May.... 3 days after Graduation .... her nephew was in a car accident and was killed. The family is just broken. Her brother... (the boys dad) is not dealing with it very well at all.
The loss of their son and the financial burden that they now have been faced with is just so hard.
So my friend Tina calls me wondering what I can do to help her with items to auction off at a Fundraiser/Poker Run. After talking a while .. she agreed a blanket to auction off would be neat.
Well............. I jumped on the 'ville and put out a call to my crochet friends for some help..........
My mailbox was constantly busy.............
Several squares later.............. and me sewing them together ........This is what I was able to give Tina.
A Comfort'ghan for her brother...........
A beautiful Shawl made by one lovely lady for the mom........
and as an extra bonus................ all these lovely tote bags to give away or auction off!

Ladies........................ God Bless each and every one of your for helping me give my friend Tina more than she expected! & Blessings
Please let me know if you need any more items to auction off. I would be more than happy to help.
I will say a prayer for the family,
I hope it raises some money for that family. What a devastating blow. I will add them to my prayers. <3
(I would be happy to help if you need more items to auction off, too.)
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