Last night Patrick got to be a teacher. It was rather neat to watch him and his dad teach about a dozen boys ranging in ages of 5 to 13 or so.... how to pitch. Patrick as a bit nervous at first... but after Ken broke the ice with basics... Patrick was right in there teaching and helping! Michael took his catching gear and at the very end of "class" the boys got to go out on the field and do some live practice by pitching to Michael. It was awesome! I'm so proud of my boys! (yes... Ken included) It was a neat experience for both all of us.. and the boys and coaches that came.
Anyway.................. on to the title of this post!
While Ken... Patrick and Michael were busy.... David spent his time looking for bugs .... playing a bit and being creative.
So.....................this isnt a bug... but this little fella was sittin' in the grass just chillin' out... so David snapped a few photos... and sat and talked to him for a while.

Then............ he did find a bug............ this beautiful moth. Yep... snapped some photos... and sat and watched for a bit.

Then on to being creative later................... David had taken a bunch of stuffed animal monkeys to play with................. and this is what he did with them. Oh My.... heheheeheheheheee

yep.................... I have one fun family! :)
hugs.... love... and blessings
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