Yep............ my (soon to be) 11yr. old made these.
There in front is a coaster he crocheted for me! Its a piece of toast with jelly! :) He said because all I drink is coffee... toast would go great with it! I believe he's right!
The cute little item with crayons on it ..... is a little crayon keeper.

This crayon keeper/tote... is made of plastic canvas and yarn. My grandfather use to make tons of these with the help of my Aunt. David has one that is seeing its years... and asked if he could make a new one. Of course I thought it would be a fun thing for him to do............ so off to my drawer to get some canvas... and into my yarn stash he went to find just what he needed.

Yep.............. he did it! Recreated the cute little crayon keeper his Great Grandfather once made! I LOVE IT! He would like to keep making more.... thinks they might make nice gifts! :)

hugs....... love & blessings
Tell David he would make grandpa so proud. Grandpa Willie lived to be 96 and loved his plastic canvas. David is easy going and happy like grandpa too. He did such a nice job. Love you all, Aunt Joycie
Just a note of info, the colors of a basic crayon box is on this box, so kids can learn their colors, White is put where the color of the box is! and black is the stripes.
Green box, brown, orange, yellow, (white) blue, purlple and red. Willie always wanted people to know that!
Lots of love
I did indeed tell David you thought he did a nice job and that his Great Grandpa would be proud!
And yes... I remember the idea behind the colors and told David the little story about it. Of course we got to talking about Grandpa and how funny he was!
David and I are going to take a trip to the store this weekend and get him a nice stock in plastic canvas :)
Love you bunches Aunt Joycie!
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