Sunday, March 27, 2011

Are you leading your family and friends?

Precious friends, The Lord delights in you! How greatly is His love expressed in giving to us our children, loaned to us from the Lord Himself to stay with us for a while. So precious they are to God! In a short time we in turn must give them back to Him. The greatest gift we can leave with them is a legacy found in Jesus Christ. Yet, so many times we get caught up in that which is urgent that we forget what is important. Have we led our family to Christ? Are they assured of a place in heaven? At times we don't even want to think of it, for it saddens our hearts to say goodbye. Yet, each one of us must release the hand we love, for death is an unfortunate part of life. Those who place their faith in Jesus will have their home in heaven. But the soul of the unbeliever will plunge into eternity in a state of terror, as hell rises up to meet him! All throughout the scriptures we are warned of the reality of hell. Its pages cry out to us repeatedly to turn from our sinful ways while there is still forgiveness and hope. Yet, so many people are disillusioned into thinking that they don't mind going to hell since all their friends will be there. My friend, let me in on you a secret... "There are no friendships in hell." No friend who understands the agony of hell would desire any of their friends to go there. If we could lift the lid of the pit of hell even for a moment and see the souls of the lost dying in their sins, it would make us vomit! We would run to warn our loved ones lest they also come to this place.

Think of your children... Have you wept for their souls? Weep for them now, for what good will your tears do at the judgement when they are plunged into it's fire? Could you bear the thought of seeing them knowing that you have failed to warn them?! Break our hearts, oh God! Let our tears flow while they are still ours to hold, pulling our loved ones out of the pit of damnation to bring them to Christ who can save them. Tonight, I challenge you to gather your family and lead their souls to Christ. It will be the greatest investment that you'll ever make. One that will last for eternity.

Now is the time... Today is the day of Salvation. The Scripture says, "For all have sinned, and come short of the glory of God." ~ Romans 3:23 "That if thou shalt confess with thy mouth the Lord Jesus, and shalt believe in thine heart that God hath raised him from the dead, thou shalt be saved." ~ Romans 10:9 Don't fall asleep without Jesus until you are assured of a place in heaven. Tonight, if you would like to receive the gift of eternal life first you must believe in the Lord. You have to ask for your sins to be forgiven and put your trust in the Lord. There's only one way to heaven and that's through the Lord Jesus. That's God's wonderful plan of salvation. & blessings


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