Saturday, September 25, 2010

My new toy..............

Well........... as usual... hubby spoils me!
He bought me a Nook! And its so cool! I have a couple books on it already and a handful on my wish list!
I am really hoping that this will help the boys with their reading skills and have more of a desire to read!
I can carry books for the whole family around with me! I can transfer my crochet and knitting patterns to it and have them with me all the time. I can surf the net... listen to music and have an album of my favorite family pictures with me! I love this thing!

And here is my new Nook in its new cover I made!
Pretty cool... huh?!

Thanks for stoppin' in and taking a peek at my new toy!
♥ Thank you honey for buying it for me!!!!! ♥ & blessings


Dazie said...

OOoo lucky you I am a tiny bit jealous!

Heather - The Good Life said...

Sounds really neat and I like the cover you made for it! :-)

June said...

Thanks for leaving a comment on my blog my friend. I lost your address when the old vista crashed. Glad to be in touch again!