Tuesday, September 14, 2010


The Family is the most important institution in the world. It was God's idea in the first place. It was not the invention of sociologists or economists or government bureaucrats who decided it would make society operate more smoothly. Families existed before cities and governments, before written language, nations. temples, and churches.

In the home.... character and integrity are formed... values are made clear... and goals are set. These last a lifetime. And if they aren't formed correctly, that too, will result in patterns..... bad patterns.... that last a lifetime, if God doesn't intervene!

Today.... Satan is attacking the family as never before. But what are our defenses against such attacks?
As always... our best defense is the Word of God. Read the Bible together as a family! Have family devotions! Pray for one another daily by name! Be on guard against the forces that tend to pull families apart today! And most of all.... commit your marriage to Christ... and make HIM the center of your home... and your life!!!

hugs...love... blessings

1 comment:

Sabrina Tuten said...

Amen and Amen! Awesome post!