Saturday, May 19, 2012

Day #10...

......Continued day of rest and trying to keep food down. Yesterday Ken had a little trouble with food.
Other than that... things are going well. So much so that the doctor feels he can move to cooperative care sooner than expected.  
Thank you God!!!


Patrick has to work tonight.
He has the perfect job!   Its right up the road from our house... We can see it from here.   It pays him good...  and its fun.   He's called a 'Jet'.....  he jets around cleaning up tables... serving pizza and whatever other food they are cooking that night.... stocks the food and wine... sets up tables for parties.. and parks cars.

All you local folks should check this place out... they have really fun bands that come out and play jazz and country and blues.
They have the best Fire grilled pizzas... and other yummy foods.
Sitting outdoors in the country enjoying pizza and music is really fun!

Well... gotta get some things done.
have a great day everyone!!!

God Bless

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