Thursday, September 30, 2010

Homecoming Week..........more

This week has been alot of fun so far. Its Spirit week at school during Homecoming week. Today was *Time Warp Day* Meet "Doc" from Back to the Future....."Spock" from Star Trek...... and the coolest "Hippie" ever! :)

They have been having fun with all the dressing up. So far they have had *Class color day* for the High School. *PJ Day* for the Elementary School. *Blizt Glizt Day* for both schools. Tomorrow will be *Spirit Day* they will wear school colors and get ready for the Homecoming Football game!

thanks for stoppin' in!

hugs... Love & blessings


Wednesday, September 29, 2010

Homecoming week..............

Its Homecoming Week here............. and its been a fun start! Tonight was the Homecoming Bonfire. The band played....... the Cheerleaders lead a fun PepRally...... there was a great bonfire dinner of hotdogs and brats... and then the fire was set! The kids had a great time cheering and singing.

Wow..................... thats a little toasty! :) & blessings

Monday, September 27, 2010

JV Football ..............

Well.......... the boys lost... but I sure am proud of Patrick! He gives his all! I love you #11

Tyler & Patrick break through............... Go Boys! & blessings

Saturday, September 25, 2010

My new toy..............

Well........... as usual... hubby spoils me!
He bought me a Nook! And its so cool! I have a couple books on it already and a handful on my wish list!
I am really hoping that this will help the boys with their reading skills and have more of a desire to read!
I can carry books for the whole family around with me! I can transfer my crochet and knitting patterns to it and have them with me all the time. I can surf the net... listen to music and have an album of my favorite family pictures with me! I love this thing!

And here is my new Nook in its new cover I made!
Pretty cool... huh?!

Thanks for stoppin' in and taking a peek at my new toy!
♥ Thank you honey for buying it for me!!!!! ♥ & blessings

Thursday, September 23, 2010

New Bible Cover............

Just wanted to take up a post and show off my Bible cover I made myself! I think it came out pretty good! :)

have a great day everyone
hugs.. love.. & blessings

Tuesday, September 21, 2010

God's Hand of Blessing...

In the midst of the Lord's prayer are these familiar words..... "Give us this day our daily bread" (Matt. 6:11). They remind us that we are dependent on God for everything... and He is the giver of every blessing. "Every good gift and every perfect gift is from above, and comes down from the Father of lights" (James 1:17).

Some people say, "why should I pray for my daily bread? I can take care of my own needs?"
But listen....... If it weren't for God's love and grace... you wouldn't have anything! We need to pray this prayer every day ... because we need to be reminded to trust God in everything!

This prayer reminds us also of Jesus' words..... "I am the bread of life. He who comes to Me shall never hunger!" (John 6:35)
Thank God for all His gifts.... especially Christ.... the greatest gift of all!!!

hugs... love & blessings

Friday, September 17, 2010

Freebie Friday................

This is a simple tutorial on how to make a .....

Dishcloth Bouquet in a Cup.

Your supplies are:

Cotton yarn ( green for the leaves... then whatever other colors you like for the flowers)
Crochet hook ( I used a size I)
Any round / flowery dishcloth pattern.
Start by making one solid green cloth for the leaves.
Create a few flower dishcloths in any color you chose. I'm making a Bouquet of solid flower cloths here. In a previous post you can see a bouquet I made with variegated yarn. You can use the same pattern... or use a different pattern for each cloth.

Place green cloth in cup ... pushing it down a bit leaving just the edges hanging out.

Each flower is rolled this same way. Fold in half...............

Start on one end and start rolling to the other end.........

Until you have this cone shape.

Place your 'flower' in the cup and roll the other cloths.

Once all the 'flowers' are in the cup... fluff them a bit and you are DONE!
Tah Dah.... a Dishcloth Bouquet! Great for gift giving!

have a great day and thanks for stoppin' by...
hugs... love & blessings

Thursday, September 16, 2010

Little Show & Share...........

Good Morning all........... thought I would take up a post to just do a little show & share!
This is my second little tote bag that I've made in the last couple weeks! I made this one for myself! :)
As you can see it's made with baseball fabric :) My new little bag to take to Baseball games!
I have Football fabric too.. that I'll be making myself a bag with to take to the Football games.
I need to get Basketball fabric :)

This is progress on my daughters shrug. I like the color! I love this pattern! I sure hope she likes her birthday present! :)

thanks for stoppin' in!
have a GREAT day everyone! and blessings

Tuesday, September 14, 2010


The Family is the most important institution in the world. It was God's idea in the first place. It was not the invention of sociologists or economists or government bureaucrats who decided it would make society operate more smoothly. Families existed before cities and governments, before written language, nations. temples, and churches.

In the home.... character and integrity are formed... values are made clear... and goals are set. These last a lifetime. And if they aren't formed correctly, that too, will result in patterns..... bad patterns.... that last a lifetime, if God doesn't intervene!

Today.... Satan is attacking the family as never before. But what are our defenses against such attacks?
As always... our best defense is the Word of God. Read the Bible together as a family! Have family devotions! Pray for one another daily by name! Be on guard against the forces that tend to pull families apart today! And most of all.... commit your marriage to Christ... and make HIM the center of your home... and your life!!! blessings

Monday, September 13, 2010

Fall Baseball...........

Way to pitch Patrick!!!
They never saw that one comin' :)
1....2....3... their out!

Nice Hit buddy!!!

Patrick had a double header yesterday. His team won both games! Way to go boys!
They all played great! But of course I totally have to brag on my son! :) He really showed his stuff pitching! He never ceases to amaze me with his natural pitching talent!

Yesterday was International Crochet Day...............
so....... to do my part of keeping the art and love of crochet alive... I started this Shrug for my daughter for her Birthday next month! :) while I watched Patrick's baseball games. and blessings.

Saturday, September 11, 2010

It is fitting that as we remember the military men and women who died in service to America, we also remember, as well, the first casualties of the War on Terrorism. They too, are American heroes who died in the line of duty.
As we honor our soldiers in the Army, Navy, Air Force, Marines and Coast Guard, let us also pause to remember other American heroes in special uniforms who died trying to help the first victims of this war - our country's first responders - firefighters and police officers.
Remember our heroes in your prayers - and all our servicemen and servicewomen serving our great nation around the world - May God bless us all!

~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~ & blessings

** And ye shall hear of wars and rumours of wars: see that ye be not troubled: for all these things must come to pass, but the end is not yet. For nation shall rise against nation, and kingdom against kingdom: and there shall be famines, and pestilences, and earthquakes, in divers places. All these are the beginning of sorrows. ~Matthew 24:6-8 **

Friday, September 10, 2010

Peace in the Storm.....

A wonderful old hymn says, " He gives us peace in the midst of a storm"

In life we face all kinds of storms. We usually think of the personal "storms: that come our way ... financial worries.... problems in our marriage or family... illness... the betrayal of a family member of friend... and so on.

But we face other kinds of storms that threaten to engulf us also.... storms of materialism... storms of secularism... storms of moral degeneracy... storms of injustice... terrorism, and war.

Do you remember the violent storm that came upon Jesus and His disciples one night on the Sea of Galilee? His disciples grew panicky ... but Jesus stayed fast asleep. He was at peace because He knew God was in control. He was at peace also because He was sovereign over the storm and He knew it would banish at His Word..... "Peace be still!" (Mark 4:39)

His Word still calms the turmoil in our lives. Is some storms making you fearful...anxious... or tense today? Stay close to Jesus! For His Word brings peace!

Hugs...Love... & Blessings


** May the God of hope fill you with all the joy and peace. ~ Romans 15:13**

Thursday, September 9, 2010

Quick little Show & Share...........

This is a little tote bag I made with a bouquet of dishcloths in a mug for a swap buddy. I'll be sending this out in the next few days.

thanks for stopping by and taking a peek & blessings

Tuesday, September 7, 2010

First JV Football Game..............

Well... the boys lost... but they sure did play hard!
I'm really proud of them! Of course I'm super proud of #11 :)

Here he is............ Patrick the QB ....
Lookin' good #11...

Whoa........... hang on Patrick... #75 is a big boy! :) & Blessings

Sunday, September 5, 2010

The State Fair.......

Family day at the State Fair.
Yep... We took another trip to the State Fair... but this time it was for family fun..... and it sure was!

David and Michael sliding on a BIG Slide! weeeeeeee

This is Vox Audio.
they are an AWESOME acapella group that played at the Fair. We watch all three of their shows they had. :) They were just amazing and it was fun getting to know them a bit!

Vox Audio posing in a picture with the boys. They are just too fun! Thank you!!!

David creates a Praying Mantis from snack foods at the 4-H building in the kids area.

These little fellas were too darn cute! Their Farmer walked them around all over the Fair.

Michael plays on a Tractor Mower!

David takes a break in a Tractor tire. :)

hugs... love... & blessings

Friday, September 3, 2010

Its Football Time.............


This was the first Varsity Football game of the season. We were doing good..but lost 21-27 right at the end. Good Game boys!!!! We'll get'em next time!

hugs... love... &blessings
.::proud mom of #11::.

Wednesday, September 1, 2010

The Truth.........

“So then, since we have a great High Priest who has entered heaven, Jesus the Son of God, let us hold firmly to what we believe. This High Priest of ours understands our weaknesses, for he faced all of the same testings we do, yet he did not sin. So let us come boldly to the throne of our gracious God. There we will receive his mercy, and we will find grace to help us when we need it most.” Hebrews 4:14-16

I wanted to have some quiet time with My Father in Heaven, I wanted to talk to God in prayer and to read Scripture, but I felt somewhat ashamed. I thought to myself, Here I am again, Lord, with the same old problem. Aren’t you tired of me, Lord? I’m tired of me, so surely you must be, too. I’m tired of dealing with the same old problem over and over again.

Then God whispered to me, Talk to Me. Just pray and see what I can do. So I did. In the quietness of the morning, God reminded me of His thoughts toward me, not my own thoughts. God never gets tired of us, and His compassion's are new every morning. As the verses in Hebrews 4 remind us, God understands. What comfort.

Better yet, as we look at the verse above we’re invited to “come boldly to the throne of our gracious God.” Sometimes when I feel ashamed of myself, I am tempted to run from God rather than come humbly to His feet. I’m tempted to believe the lie that God is tired of me or has much more important issues to deal with. However, if I believe and act on these lies, I am missing out on the truth of whom God is and the reality of the kind of relationship He wants to have.

If I mistakenly believe that God is just tired of dealing with me, then I go away with just more of the same - more discouragement, more anxiety, more fretting. Worse yet, I’ll be missing out on what He is ready to give. I’ll miss out on His love, His grace, and His power.

Whatever problem we face, God’s very own power, the same power that raised Christ from the dead, is available to us. Our God is intimately acquainted with us, gracious and patient. He is ready to give all His resources to us, His children. Isn’t that amazing?
Let’s press on in truth and faith and “take the mercy, accept the help” (Hebrews 4:16). Then we’ll see what God can do with a heart that trusts Him. & blessings