Wednesday, May 29, 2019

It's okay...............

I've read this story before... many times!   As I was needing to read it again today.... I felt it was a good time to share it also.   I'm so grateful and blessed that God picks up the pieces of my heart and life and tells me that it will all be okay.   He's got me!

I was at the grocery store this morning and heard a loud crash and something shattering. Being nosy, I walked towards the sound and saw some people whispering and looking back to the end of the next aisle. When I walked down that aisle, I saw an older lady had hit a shelf containing dishes with her cart and many had fallen to the ground and broke. She was kneeling on the floor embarrassed, picking up the shattered pieces, while her husband was peeling off the bar code from each broken dish saying “Now we will have to pay for all this!”

I felt so bad for her, and everyone was just standing there staring at her!! I went and knelt beside her and told her not to worry and started helping her pick up the broken pieces. After about a minute, the store manager came and knelt beside us and said, “Leave it, we will clean this up. Let’s get your information so you can go to the hospital and have that cut on your hand looked at.”

The lady, totally embarrassed said, “I need to pay for all this first.” The manager smiled, helped her to her feet and said, “No ma’am, we have insurance for this, you do not have to pay anything!”

For you who have read this so far, I would like you to give me a minute. Wherever you are, close your eyes, and imagine God doing the same for you!

Collect the pieces of your broken heart from all the blows life has thrown at you. God will heal all your wounds, and I assure you that your sins and mistakes will be forgiven.
You see, we all have the same insurance, and it’s called Grace. When you accept Jesus as your Lord and Savior and ask for forgiveness, the Manager of the universe, GOD, will say to you “Everything has already been paid for, now go on your way, all is forgiven!”

Many Blessings to you all.....
Tammy 💕

Monday, May 27, 2019


~ Good Morning....
How's everyone's weekend going so far?  Mine's been pretty busy!  Yard work... baking... cleaning... working on my flower seed business... and then finding time to get some crochet projects worked on.
Today is a special... emotional and very important day! 

Memorial Day is important as we are reminded almost daily of the great sacrifices that the men and women of the Armed Services make to defend our way of life.

Thank you for Service .....
my Dad - Stewart E. Witte
my Husband - Kenneth W. Carlton
my son - Melvin and my Daughter-in-law - K.


  Happy 1 year Anniversary you two!  I love you both so much!

God Bless

Thursday, May 23, 2019

Thankful Thursday..........

Today I am Thankful for..................

} God!!!  He is ALL!  All knowing... All forgiving... All loving... All that is needed!!
} coffee in the mornings with mom
} my youngest and his friends making it safely to their vacation destination!!!
} getting some of my crochet projects finished
} my job!  The work... The people... and The security are all such a blessing to me
} my dear friend Corie for giving me her allergy eye drops so I don't have to suffer at work today.
} more coffee!!!
} my knee brace helping to relieve some of the pain
} it being Thursday.... one more day closer to the weekend  :)
} my awesome children
} my sweet grandbabies
} Family
} Friends
} more coffee.... don't act surprised :)  you knew this was coming
} a nice light lunch of yogurt and fruit
} pictures from David on his road trip/vacation
} orders coming in steady on my flower seed shop!
} photographs and videos to be able to capture memories in life!
} one more cup of coffee before heading home for the day.... of course.. where  there is more coffee!
} for all the Military Soldiers that gave and continue to give so much for us!  Thank you!

God Bless....

Wednesday, May 22, 2019

WIP Wednesday..............

~ Good Morning everyone.............
Well.... the sun is shinning and the temps are suppose to be in the 70's today.  After all the rain we've had lately... I'm ready for a sunny warmer day! 
This is normal weather for us ......

I'm pretty sure we actually have all four seasons here all in the same day.   Yesterday we had thunderstorms and tornados near me... while in a different county there was snow.

My youngest took off on a road trip with a car load of friends.  I hope the weather is perfect for him.. and they have a great time!   They are even going to make a detour to see one of his brothers. :)  I'm so jealous!  That's okay... my mom and I have a vacation fund going so we can do the same thing this Fall! 

I thought I would post a few WIPs I have going at the moment.  I've been working on some things at home and some at work on my lunch break.  So I have a variety of things going all at once... :)

and of course.... still working on these for Christmas gifts....

Well kids.... I'm off to get some work done and find some crochet time for one of these projects!
Have a wonderful Wednesday everyone!

God Bless....

Monday, May 20, 2019

God Speaks...Be Still & Listen

~ Good Morning ........

Hope all is well with everyone!  My mind sure has been on overtime lately!  God has really been speaking to me... mostly through music on the radio... but even in just things that are happening around me. 
This time of year is kinda rough in itself.   Ken's Birthday this month... then the anniversary of  Ken's passing and Father's Day next month.  *sigh*
But its been a bit more of a struggle over the last couple months... with this... along with some heart breaking issues.   At first I was totally pulled in by Satan and listening to the lies.  But God being the perfect Father that he is... knew I was needing him bad.  So He stepped in and started to speak to me.  I started praying... then I gave all my issues over to Him.  Then I kept praying and praying.  He kept speaking to me... keeping me focused on Him so that when Satan would pop in... I was able to fight him off with God's words and truth!

This is part of the way God has been speaking to me over the last couple weeks... 'Memories'
Ken took me and our two youngest to the Winter Jam Concert in January of 2016.  One of the Christian Artists were 'for KING & COUNTRY.  They spoke about a song there were about to sing... "Priceless".   It really touched Ken's heart.   So after that song was over... he excused himself saying he'd be right back.   He returned with this.....

......and said, "Wear this necklace as a reminder that you are priceless!" 
You see .. this Priceless Coin Necklace features two charms ... an Australian two-cent coin, and the "for KING & COUNTRY" crest.   Then he showed me the ribbon bracelet he bought himself.  This meant a lot to him to wear this along with my necklace... it worked also for a teaching tool for our boys... reminding them to Respect & Honor women.

I've never taken my charm off from the day Ken gave it to me.  It reminds me everyday how much he loved me. And how much God loves me.
 God has also been speaking to me through songs on the radio. 
Of course ... this one keeps playing....

Along with .... God Only Knows
I've also been experiencing Gods love for me through a few awesome blessings He has placed upon me... leaving me with peace ... comfort & strength. 
Spending time praying... giving my issues and trials over to God and sitting still and quiet to listen to Him has made such a difference in mental/emotional state!  God is Amazing... He is true... He is faithful! 

Thank you to everyone that stops by my little blog!   I pray you all have an amazing day and week.
If you're feeling stressed... sad... beaten up emotionally... Be Still... and know God is there!!

Huge Hugs... Lots of Love... & Bountiful Blessings to you all
* Submit yourselves, then, to God.  Resist the devil, and he will flee from you. - James 4:7

Sunday, May 19, 2019

Thursday, May 16, 2019

Thankful Thursday......

~ Today I am Thankful for...............

... God!
... coffee
... Thursday night church service
... Heaven
... my children
... my grandchildren
... my family!!!
... mechanics
... coffee
... employment
... yarn
... puppy snuggles
... God's word
... my Pastors
... forgiveness
... friends
... laughter
... coffee
... my flower seed shop
... memories 💕
... love

Have a Thankful Thursday
.:: Tammy ::.

Wednesday, May 15, 2019

Wonderful Wednesday......

This cover of 'True Colours' by Cyndi Lauper played by twin brothers is amazing...
You can watch and listen ... HERE

Have a wonderful Wednesday everyone
God Bless

Monday, May 13, 2019

.::Happy Birthday Ken::.

this is your 3rd birthday you've had in Heaven.
I know the birthday parties up there are so much more fun... but I sure do miss celebrating them with you here.  Like the times you get to watch one of your boys play baseball for your birthday ... or we might have a family BBQ... or a lunch out at one of your favorite restaurants or just a quiet dinner at home with a meal made just for you.  Many times it would be breakfast for dinner. :)  As the boys got older they would help make dinner or the desert(s)  .......
like Michael's famous Brownies.
We'd settle in to watch a movie at home with a big snack tray of goodies ... unless there was a new movie out in the theaters.  We would get the biggest bucket of popcorn smothered in butter with Icee's for everyone. 
Always a cherry one for you! :) 
I sure do miss you! 💔

ich liebe dich!

Sunday, May 12, 2019

Sunday Sermon................

Watch today's Sermon HERE!

God Bless

Mother's Day.....

"A wife of noble character who can find? She is worth far more than rubies. Her husband has full confidence in her and lacks nothing of value. She brings him good, not harm, all the days of her life. She selects wool and flax and works with eager hands. She is like the merchant ships, bringing her food from afar. She gets up while it is still night; she provides food for her family and portions for her female servants. She considers a field and buys it; out of her earnings she plants a vineyard. She sets about her work vigorously; her arms are strong for her tasks. She sees that her trading is profitable, and her lamp does not go out at night. In her hand she holds the distaff and grasps the spindle with her fingers. She opens her arms to the poor and extends her hands to the needy. When it snows, she has no fear for her household; for all of them are clothed in scarlet. She makes coverings for her bed; she is clothed in fine linen and purple. Her husband is respected at the city gate, where he takes his seat among the elders of the land. She makes linen garments and sells them, and supplies the merchants with sashes. She is clothed with strength and dignity; she can laugh at the days to come. She speaks with wisdom, and faithful instruction is on her tongue. She watches over the affairs of her household and does not eat the bread of idleness. Her children arise and call her blessed; her husband also, and he praises her: “Many women do noble things, but you surpass them all.” Charm is deceptive, and beauty is fleeting; but a woman who fears the LORD is to be praised."
Proverbs 31:10-20

God Bless💜

Friday, May 10, 2019

Fantastic Friday.............


Well.. .I didn't get much sleep last night... but that's okay.  My mind was too busy to relax.  Last nights Sermon was awesome and had me really thinking and listening to God.

~ God just spoke to me ... telling me....
Heaven isn't the reward you get for being good
its not your allowance for getting your chores done on your "to do" list
You cant EARN a spot in Heaven.

Heaven is open to you by Gods never ending love and grace.
its your GIFT given to you simply because your Father God loves you.
Through your acknowledgement of Him.... Love Him back!!  Truly Love Him! 


Spent a lot of time praying last night.  There are some issues in my life that definitely need serious prayer!   So.... I pray and leave it in God's hands!  Feels real good to let it go and let God have it! 
You know... its okay for me to be sad... hurt... and even angry about the trials that go on... but I can't "Live" in those feelings... those will only create wholes for Satan to get in!   So... feel it.. pray about it and let God have it!!!


Sharing a proud moment!  My sweet Daughter-in-law K. had her first solo flight yesterday morning! She is amazing!  I'm so happy for her and my son! 
Patrick is one happy and proud husband!


*Thank you Patrick for being a wonderful Marine Husband!

** Thank you Sarah for being a wonderful Navy Wife!

Many Blessings

Thursday, May 9, 2019

Thankful Thursday..........

~ Good Morning .........

I hope all is well with everyone!  Things are going pretty well around here!  There are a few obstacles/issues still lingering about.  But in Gods time...  those will all be settled! I put all my trust in the Lord.  He is in control of my life!!  There is a reason for every trial in our lives... whether its for our benefit or someone else's. 
Today I am thankful for many things!
I'm Thankful for........
... God!  My Lord & Savior!!
... morning coffee! 
... my 6 amazing children!!!
... my sweet daughter-in-laws & son-in-law
... my 9 awesome grandchildren!!!
... my wonderful mom!!!
... my job!  What a beautiful blessing!!
... my flower seed shop doing well right now!  Its the season for flowers :)
... afternoon coffee!
... Thursday night church services!
... my two youngest being so helpful around the house!! 
... God being so faithful!  So many prayers have been and are being answered!
... yarn!!!
... my bible app!
... friends!!!
... evening coffee!!!

*~* Although God does not NEED us... He absolutely WANTS us.
And while we may not WANT God... we most definitely NEED Him!! *~*

Have a Thankful Thursday
.:: Tammy ::.

Tuesday, May 7, 2019

We don't "move on" ...........

Published on Apr 25, 2019
In a talk that's by turns heartbreaking and hilarious, writer and podcaster Nora McInerny shares her hard-earned wisdom about life and death. Her candid approach to something that will, let's face it, affect us all, is as liberating as it is gut-wrenching. Most powerfully, she encourages us to shift how we approach grief. "A grieving person is going to laugh again and smile again," she says. "They're going to move forward. But that doesn't mean that they've moved on."

Watch HERE!

I love you Ken!!!  I miss you so much!!!
Huge hugs…
Lots of Love &
Bountiful Blessings to you all

Sunday, May 5, 2019

Sermon Sunday...........

Watch today's sermon HERE!

God Bless

~*~Happy Anniversary~*~

Happy 1 year Anniversary to my darling daughter and her wonderful husband!

I love you two!!!!

Many Blessings

Thursday, May 2, 2019

.:: Happy Birthday ::.

 🎈🎂~ Happy Birthday Patrick~🎂🎈
My son, as you celebrate this special day of your life as now a married man... my prayer for you is that you will excel in everything that you do and that happiness always envelopes your life. God Blessed your dad and I with you 23 years were amazing then and still are! Happy birthday my dear sweet boy! 💕 I love you more! 💕


Wednesday, May 1, 2019

Wonderful Wednesday.....

Fixing our eyes on Jesus, the pioneer and perfecter of faith.  For the joy set before him he endured the cross, scorning it shame, and sat down at the right hand of the throne of God.  ~ Hebrews 12:2
Many Blessings to you all...
