Michael is officially off the prednizone. He took his last dose a couple days ago. He is now working his road to remission!!!
As celebration........ we are having homemade Nachos for dinner tonight. Michael has been in a relapse for over a year now... and due to the very low sodium diet.. has not been able to enjoy many of his favorite foods.... Nacho's being one of them. So tonight......... we are having a Nacho Party! (shhh... dont tell Michael........but I did choose the ingredients carefully so to not over due the sodium too soon) :)
Thank you to everyone that has sent love ... prayers and encouragement to Michael and myself. It has meant more than I can express!
There are several wonderful ladies from a crochet yahoo group I'm part of that are celebrating along with us tonight by having Nacho's for dinner at their homes.... Michael said this is going to be the biggest Nacho Party ever............... hehehe.
Please join us if you can.............. get out some chips and cheese and celebrate with us! Michael would love it!
I'll post pictures tomorrow of our Nacho spread and Michael enjoying is first bite of 'freedom'
Thank you again EVERYONE!
God Bless
**And Jesus said to him, Go, for your faith has healed you. Instantly, the man could see, and he followed Jesus down the road.
~ Mark 10:52**
Yay!! Congrats! I know Prednisone is so rough! Maybe we will have nachos too!
I am calling my husband now and asking him to bring nachos when he comes home from work. We will be celebrating along with you.
Oh... you guys are awesome!!!
This is so fun... I just told Michael we had a couple more friends for dinner and he was really excited! The nacho cheese is in the crock staying warm with all the fixin's in it. It smells good. As soon as hubby and Patrick get home from Basketball practice.. its NACHO TIME!
thanks so much for joining in our fun and celebration!
God Bless!!!
I was going to snap some photos of our nacho dinner, but my older two had to rush off to marching band so it was a dinner on the go, so to speak. It was wonderful to share this victory with you and your family - you are all still in our thoughts and prayers! My family was thrilled to hear of Michael's most recent medical news, and of course the celebration that went along with it! YAAAAAY!!!!! Sending many hugs prayers and much love your way!!
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