How is everyone today?
We have a brighter day today than yesterday! Yesterday was gloomy and we had on and off spits of rain most of the day. Patrick's first Football game was last night and I have to admit I was starting to be a bit bummed thinking we were going to sit in the rain watching our babies get soaked on the field as they slipped around trying to play. But as God is always good.... 30 minutes before game time.. the sun came out and seemed to shine only over the football field the entire game. It was chilly out ... we were wrapped in hoodies and blankets... but it was AWESOME to see the game under the sunshine. Patrick plays Quarterback for his team. Wow... he sure did great last night! (proud mommy) The whole team played very well.. and with alot of energy.
The Cougars Jr High team win their first Football Game!!!
28 - 14
Go Cougars!!!
Go Cougars!!!

UPDATE: this is what I have done so far on my trial sweater.
I'm staring to think this may end up fitting my youngest son. We'll see.
It will actually be a bonus if it fits David... because I will have a way to adjust the sizes for larger and smaller sweaters ... with him as my initial model. :)
It will actually be a bonus if it fits David... because I will have a way to adjust the sizes for larger and smaller sweaters ... with him as my initial model. :)

What God wants... God gets!
Yesterday morning as I was getting the younger ones ready for school..... one of my older boys mentioned to me that some morning after dropping the boys off .. we should go to BurgerKing for breakfast and a little Bible study. I kind of knew he would have liked to go then....... but... I was in my "comfy clothes" so I said to him, "oh... that would be great ...but not this morning... I'm totally not dressed"
So... off I went ......dropped the boys off... and was heading home when Patrick called me on me on my cell telling me that he had forgotten his permit slip for getting out early his last hour of classes to get ready for the football game.... would I please bring it to him. Well... I told him of course I would.... I was on my way home and would get it and come back! The ride home I knew I would have to change from my "comfy clothes" into nicer clothes to go into the High School to drop off the slip. As I pulled in the drive... I thought..... "you know... I should see if my son still wants to do breakfast. We could go to this little tiny "Mom & Pop" place in the town where the schools are ....... eat and study there. I came in the house.... asked him... he said he would love to... so I changed clothes.. grabbed my bible... and Patricks permit slip and off we went!
We had a GREAT time. Breakfast was wonderful and Bible study was AWESOME!!!
After getting home... it hit me............... God got His way!!!
The reason I didn't want to do the breakfast thing before hand was because I was too lazy to change my clothes..... but God fixed me. I had to go home... change clothes and go back out.... so now I had no excuse!
So of course now I'm thinking my son and I need to do this more often. Maybe once a week or at least every other week. I also thought how I am going to start some " Home breakfast/Bible studies with the younger ones on the days they don't have school. While we eat.. we will read and discuss. We'll be getting completely fed!
God is so amazing!!!
Thank you Lord for keeping me focused when I want to be lazy!!!
Well... off to get some crocheting and knitting done.......... have a GREAT Day and don't be lazy! :)
hugs... love... & blessings,
**Then the way you live will always honor and please the Lord, and your lives will produce every kind of good fruit. All the while, you will grow as you learn to know God better and better. Colossians 1:10 **
1 comment:
I love those post cards. They are great!
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