We have a gloomy day here today...... cool... but not bad!
I got the boys up and off to school… so now I'm here with updates on whats going on around here. Things have been really busy around here! Fun but busy! Ken has been working hard lately! He's been putting time in at the client sites and of course he's been working from home... thats the luxury of having your own business! He landed another client this week ... I'm so proud of him! He sticks with it ... never giving up.... working hard to make the impression he needs for others to spread the word about him. His hard work is paying off!
I’ve been keeping busy crocheting and knitting. I have been getting myself caught up with swaps I signed up for and charity items I have committed to. But I also need to get myself focused on Christmas gifts! I started a graph'ghan some time back and really need to get back on it. I want to give that to my soon-to-be son-in-law. I have a purse made for my daughter.
Not sure yet what to make for the other kids... blankets maybe... or maybe hat and scarf sets..... hmmmmm?
I'm thinking I may just knit stockings for each of the grandbabies and fill them with goodies!
I started this toddler sweater yesterday as a trial project! If it comes out like I hope... I'll be making sweaters for my kids and grandkids for NEXT Christmas.
I took time off to get a manicure this week.… I needed some pampering!!! Hehehehe
Because of my wonderful Aunt.......... I didnt have to spend any money on yarn. I have plenty to keep me busy for quite some time.
The kids are all great!!! Michael is holding his own with the end of his cold. Patrick is staying busy with Pitching leasons and Football practice. David is always on the lookout for bugs.........hehehehe Grandbabies are fabulous!!! And aside from not spending much time with my hubby due to work… We’re wonderful!
Well… off to get some more crochet / knitting time in.......You all have a Terrific Tuesday!!!
Have you shared God with anyone lately?
Its really simple!!! Send someone a bouquet of flowers that you haven’t talked to in some time. Buy a little snack at the register and hand it to the sweet little child in line behind you as you leave. Put a quarter in the gum/toy machine or car ride at the store entrance for that little one just sitting there wishing they could get that little trinket or ride that ride.
Bring a coffee to your boss or secretary one morning as you go into work. Mow the neighbors yard the next time you mow your own. Wash your neighbors car next time you wash yours.
Those all seem pretty simple…. Don’t they?
Funny though… God does all those simple things for each and everyone one of us EVERYDAY. But he does all this after doing the most giving thing he could do. Giving His Only Son's life for us.
I’ve said this before… we make spending time with God or sharing God with others … much harder than it really is!!!
So today… Share God with one person… you may find it pretty rewarding.
Hugs … love and blessings!!!
**For we are God's masterpiece. He has created us anew in Christ Jesus, so we can do the good things he planned for us long ago. Ephesians 2:10**
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