A while back... I had challenged everyone to list 25 things they were Thankful for on their blogs... or email around a Thankful list to family and friends. Well here it is the day after my Birthday and I thought was a great Thursday to do it again.So whatcha say everyone................ Share your Thanks with your family and friends... show God that you appreciate all you have even through all the trials you may be enduring!
I am Thankful for...
1) God's love!!!!!!
2) my husband that God has blessed me with ... that spoils me rotten!
3) my wonderfully beautiful children!
4) my sweet little grandbabies!
5) a very heavy coin purse. (I'll always have something to share)
6) Coffee................. hehehe... you all knew that was coming!
7) all my family.... near and far! They each are a blessing to me in their own individual ways.
8) every trial that comes my way. (the learning a growing I receive from them only bring me closer to my Father in Heaven)
9) birthday dinner's to Red Lobster with my guys! (it just brings a smile to my face)
10) unfolded blankets and toys not put away. (sometimes having fun is more important than a tidy house)
11) muddy driveways. (footprints of God's creatures are easily seen... so to remind us He is there)
12) my love for crafting. ( I love making handmade things for folks... its so heartwarming)
13) eggs for dinner and cold pizza for breakfast!
14) my children still loving to sit in my lap... no matter how old they are. (yes even the 27 yr olds)
15) all the men and women of our Armed Forces!!!
16) being able to be a Stay-at-home-mom!
17) beautiful fluffy snow days watching the boys build snowmen and have snowball fights as I prepare a pitcher of hot cocoa to warm them when come in and tell of all the fun they were having,
18) plenty of food in my refrigerator.
19) sun rises and sun sets!
20) gentle reminders from God that only He is perfect!
21) $5 in the laundry......(cuz that means the boys are getting a trip to the ice cream shop after lunch!
22) my boys suggesting cereal for dinner after a long day.
23) standing in a long line at the store. (its a nice time to meet a new friend and share God)
24) roasting hotdogs and marshmallows over a campfire in the back yard.
25) storms that knock the electricity out..... (what a better time to play shadow puppets)
Well......... that was pretty easy........... your turn!
Have a Thankful Thursday!!!
**This is the day the Lord has made. We will rejoice and be glad in it. Psalm 118:24**
these are all great things to be thankful for:)
wish I could think of 25 things!
maybe i will work on that
hugs my dear friend,
I love this! I am going to post my 25 things right now on my blog :)
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