Happy Birthday..... Happy Birthday.......................
Happy Birthday to me!
yep............ I'm older. I'm sure I dont act it...... hehheheee
So......... today will start out with an early breakfast with my mom. She is taking me to Crackle Barrel. Then off to Hobby Lobby for some fun shopping.
I'll head home to my guys so we can make 'very mini' pizzas for dinner.
Maybe if they feel up to it......... I can talk them into a game or two of Wii Bowling! That would be a fun way to end the day.
You know ........ I have to say........ even though its been 4 yrs since daddy died.......... it still made me sad to wake up this morning and not find a 4am 'Happy Birthday' email from him.
I miss that silly old man so much!
Well........... I'm off to get ready to go start my day with mom.
you all have a GREAT day!
btw.............. the Tournament Bracket in the previous post has been updated.
OUR BOYS WON LAST NIGHT........... we hold tight in the Winners Bracket!!!

huge hugs....
lots of love.......
and bountiful blessings.......
Happy birthday!
Have a great day.
Happy birthday!
yay happy birthday! It is so awesome when God blesses us with another year to be here and spend time with our family and friends! God bless you and you are having too much fun at 2 of my fave places! Cracker Barrel and Hobby Lobby. Couldn't think of a much better way to spend the day!
Happy birthday to you
Hope you have a great birthday Tammy!!!
Wishing you a blessed birthday and many, many, many more.
Agh! I didn't read blogs yesterday. So a belated happy birthday!
Happy Birthday!
Thank you Thank you Thank you!
you are all so sweet!
I had a lovely Birthday... breakfast with my nom... shopping and visiting with her... and a wonderful dinner with my guys at Red Lobster! Home for Wii Bowling and a movie... a nice relaxing birthday filled with fun with the ones I love! Yep... Good day!!!
Blessings to you all!
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