Wow............. the days are just flyin' by. This may not look like alot of progress ... but it is. I have been working very diligently to get this and 3 other projects done on time.. (all the same time frame by the way) I want to make this 'ghan a bit bigger than the first... so I think 15 more rounds will do it! This has been so much fun. The pressure of reaching my goal has been exciting! I really had to give thought about signing up for the 'Games' knowing I had projects already in the works that would be due during the time the 'Games' were going on. But .... I can do this! I can get all these projects done and what a great sense of accomplishment that will be!
Anyway.......... here it is as of this morning.
You all have a GREAT day.... and a Wonderful week!
Remember to remember yourself today! Bless yourself! Maybe you can get a manicure… or maybe drive to that favorite coffee shop and get the biggest most yummiest coffee… maybe you just need to spiffy yourself up today for noone other than yourself. Sit outside with your coffee and a book or craft for 30 minutes. I bet you notice things outside you hadn’t before. Once you bless yourself… you find it very easy to share that with others. You’ll end up having a lovely conversation with the manicurist… you’ll run into a friend you haven’t seen in ages getting that coffee and making their day. Maybe you’ll get a last minute call from a friend to have lunch...and you’re all ready to go….Or you’ll end up sharing some of the wonderful discoveries of the outdoors and blessing them with those visions and thoughts of Gods amazing creations.
You cant love others without loving yourself first… so you cant bless others without blessing yourself first!!!
Hugs… love and blessings,
**Don't be afraid, for I am with you ...
~ Isaiah 41:10**

That afghan is looking great.
I like your comment on doing something for yourself. We all should. Thank you for that.
I love the brightness. So cheery. Reminds me of a bright sunny day!
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