Spending my day relaxing working on some charity squares. Getting pictures taken of finished items.... and packaging up some of the squares to be sent out on Monday.... to fulfill my commitments.... along with a few gifts that I made for friends and family!!!
Such a shame.... today is so beautiful... and I have to struggle through the day with a huge headache. Now all that know me ... know that I live with headaches everyday... some days worse than others... but everyday just the same. But I tell ya... sure does put a damper on enjoying a lovely day like today... when you have to fight a headache. Sheeeeesh!
The thing I do know without a doubt... is that one day ... my God will deliver me from these headaches.... as soon as I let go of whatever is keeping them here. I haven't been faced with what it is that I am holding on to .... in order for me to forgive myself over or to forgive someone else over .... but it will happen. My faith in Him will stay strong and He will free me. In the mean time.... I will enjoy beautiful days.. the best I can.. and love my family and friends as much as I can. With that ... I will craft til I cant craft anymore!!!
Well..... lets see............... speaking of crafts.... here is another Duct Tape bag... with a cell phone case and a Duct Tape rose that I made to put out at my daddy's grave sight. You see.. daddy loved to craft also... and he was my biggest supporter of my crafting ... dreams... and well....... anything I did! So I knew he would appreciate a Rose made by me from Duct Tape! :)
These are 12" squares made for a fellow 'viller for a comfortghan she is making.
These are 8" squares also made for a fellow 'viller for a comfortghan.
These are 8" squares I made for my daughter. She is making a Comfortghan for her Pastor's wife. She has to endure painful procedures to relieve pain and fluid from her back and neck after a back car accident a few years ago. So my daughter decided to make her a comforghan. She has been very blessed to receive some help from fellow 'villers with donations of squares for the 'ghan! Thank you ladies by the way! Its just so wonderful that you stepped in and are helping!
you all have a wonderful evening!!!
We're off to church... lunch... store and baseball game tomorrow! I will be taking my crocheting for the car ride... but once the games start with my babies in them................. that hook gets put away! I LOVE watching them play!!!
Huge hugs... lots of love and blessings beyond your wants or needs,
*The earth is the LORD's, and everything in it. The world and all its people belong to him.
Psalm 24:1*
Beautiful squares! I love the cards too. :)
Beautiful squares. They will be loved.
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