Friday, August 31, 2018

Show & Share............

💕 I love making these little bitty bags!  They are so easy and so fun!   These are another great gift item for any occasion! 

Thanks for stopping by!!
Have a wonderful day everyone

Many Blessings

Wednesday, August 29, 2018

Happy Anniversary my love...........

💕Ken ...
 I thought of you with love today
but that is nothing new
I thought about you yesterday
and days before that too… ...

I think of you in silence
I often speak your name
All I have are memories
and your picture in a frame
Your memory is my keepsake
with which I’ll never part
God has you in His keeping
I have you in my heart
Happy Anniversary sweetheart!
~ ich liebe dich ~

I miss you so much!!!💕

Tuesday, August 28, 2018

Show & Share......................

☕ Good Morning family and friends!   Its been a while since I just posted a picture of a project!

This is my favorite crochet slipper pattern!  I love just making these to have on hand!  They make great gifts for any occasion!  (Get Well... Birthday... Thinking of you... Christmas... etc.)

Have a Terrific Tuesday!  
Back to working on more projects!

Many Blessings to you all

Saturday, August 25, 2018

My Youngest.......Birthday Boy........

Happy Birthday to my youngest baby!! 18 years old... seriously!?!
David you are amazing!! I love you so much and hope you have an awesome day today!
I cant wait to see what God has instore for you and your future!
I love you baby!!!

Many Blessings

Thursday, August 23, 2018

My oldest.........Birthday Boy.........

💖  🎂 Happy Birthday to my sweet boy Melvin! What an amazing man you are!!! I sure do miss you and your beautiful wife. Mommy loves you baby! I hope you've had and continue to have a great Birthday!🎈  xoxox

Blessings to all

Wednesday, August 22, 2018

The Trials of our lives.......

1 Peter 1:6-7
Most likely, you’ve heard the age-old question, “If God is good, how can He let bad things happen?” Since the fall of man, life has always included hardship. Though trials are painful, understanding the Lord’s purpose can bring joy and hope.

The Word of God is clear that suffering is purposeful. Primarily...the Lord is conforming His children to be like Jesus (2 Cor. 3:18). When a person is newly saved, he or she still has many “rough edges.” Sanctification, which takes place from that point on, is the process of becoming holy....and few things build character like sorrow. Unfortunately... people rarely mature during pleasant times. Instead, pain brings impurities to the surface and forces people to see the reality of their life.

Another reason the Father allows trials is to test the faith of His children. Of course, He doesn’t need this for His own is the believers who benefit. Tested faith is stronger and more reliable than untried faith.

Furthermore....God allows hardship in order to reveal His character, love, and power. During life’s storms... people who cling to their heavenly Father will find Him trustworthy and real. When the next difficulty arises... they’ll remember His faithfulness during the previous trial and will rest confidently in Him.

While no one wants to suffer... experience and sorrow will mature the believer. We can learn certain things from books and other people’s stories, but most growth occurs during trials. So..... when problems occur and sorrow seems piercing... thank God for His purpose in your suffering.

Thank you Lord God for being there for me through not just some... but ALL of my trials as I try to understand them and trust you with them!  I love you Father God!  ~ Ament


Thursday, August 16, 2018

Seeing God......

Proverbs 3:24-26
David was confident that the Lord was always right there with him (Ps. 16:8). His psalms reveal that in surveying his life... he saw God’s fingerprints all over it. Like David... we must train our spiritual eyes to notice evidence of the heavenly Father’s presence in our life.

Seeing with spiritual eyes isn’t a now-and-then kind of’s a lifestyle. In the Sermon on the Mount, Jesus said, “Blessed are the pure in heart, for they shall see God” (Matt. 5:8). Those who walk before the Lord with a clear conscience will take captive unholy thoughts, habits, attitudes, and words. They will cast out sin and live in righteousness. As a result, such believers have a spiritual clarity that sharpens their awareness of God’s presence and involvement in their life.

I've tried to make it a habit over the years that has helped me to focus on Him. When I lie down and talk to the Lord before going to sleep, I try to recall the events of my day. What I’m really doing is looking for evidence of God’s hand at work. How did He guide this decision? Answer this question? Protect me in this situation? Help me in this relationship? Appreciating the Lord’s handiwork a second time (even when the initial experience may have been difficult) etches the reality of His love deeper in my heart.

The evidence of God’s great power is all over your life.... if only you will see it. Viewing the world with wide-open spiritual eyes changes one’s perspective. Instead of saying, “I can’t,” say, “I can because the Lord always enables me.” Live confident in the loving, omnipotent God, who dwells within you.

<>< God Bless you all

Tuesday, August 14, 2018

Let God.............

~ As mere mortals... it's simply not possible to look beyond heavens veil to see why God allows things to happen as they do. The simple truth is that God is God... and we are not! And let's face it... sometimes the things that happen don't seem fair! But thankfully, God has sent his son Jesus Christ to "save completely those who come to God through him, because he always lives to intercede for them" (Hebrews 7:25)
Though we may suffer temporarily on this earth... and... no one is denying the intense grief we experience as human beings... we can rest assured through faith in Christ of an eternity where "there will be no more death or mourning or crying or pain" (Revelation 21:4)
I tell you.... I look forward to that day!

Hugs... Love & Blessings!


Friday, August 10, 2018

Will God meet all your needs?

Have you ever pondered the real meaning of Philippians 4:19, “My God will supply all your needs according to His riches in glory in Christ Jesus”? If so, then you may also have encountered some frustration.

“What about this need I have had for years?” you wonder. “Doesn’t God care about that aching hole in my heart? Why doesn’t He just fill it by meeting my needs automatically?” The truth is, God wants us to trust Him and not look only for the blessing. In other words, keep our focus on the right thing, which is a personal relationship with the Savior. Circumstances have little to do with lasting joy. Peace, joy, and contentment come from knowing God and having a personal relationship with Him. The only way to be fully happy is to have a heart that is set on Jesus Christ. Then when difficulty comes, we won’t feel lost, confused, or disillusioned.   Now please understand... this doesn't mean we wont have days of sadness... frustration... fear... etc.   God gave us emotions for a reason... to FEEL.  Feel for others... feel for Him... and yes even feel for ourselves.   What we have to remember is to not "live" in those emotions!!!  Feel them... cry it out... be hurt... be angry.... but then,  Give it all to God and feel the comfort of knowing He will tend to all your emotions and needs!

Many people attempt to meet their own needs apart from God. But this never works. It only leads to frustration and deep disappointment. There will be times when we wonder if He hears our prayers. He always does. And He also is the only One who can answer correctly and satisfy the desires of our hearts. So why do we struggle? Usually, it is because we think we know better than God. We fail to realize we cannot meet our own needs or compel Him to comply with our personal desires, schedule, or concept of how we think something should be done.  Basically... we are control freaks.  Our hearts are willing to give it all to God ... but our heads think we have a better and faster way to resolve our own issues.  I will be the first to admit I know this is true about myself.  Maybe its because I'm a mother and as a mom you really do need to control a lot of what goes on in your home with children.
But the reality is.. I'm not the one in control.  God is!!!  So I find myself not always praying for my "need"  God already knows what that is... but I pray for God to take control of my "Need" to be in control.  Just like the child I am... scold me... slap my hands and say, "no no" !   Letting God have it all is the trust He desires from us. Which creates a wonderful relationship with Him!

The first step to having our needs met is to trust Him completely with the entirety of our lives. He knows what is best for us, and His purpose in allowing any delay is for our good. Waiting prepares us for a greater blessing. It strengthens our faith and reliance on Him and consequently rids us of a desire to be self-sufficient.

The second step is to obey Him and allow Him to work fully in our lives. Many times, He stretches our faith by allowing us to have a need. He knows how we will respond, but He wants us to learn how to say yes to His design—even when we do not have all the information and facts.

The third step is to trust and wait for Him. In a very real sense, your unmet need is a form of trial and temptation. It’s a trial because its lack of fulfillment can feel truly painful, and it’s a temptation because it urges you to turn away from God to meet your own needs. But James says, “Blessed is a man who perseveres under trial; for once he has been approved, he will receive the crown of life which the Lord has promised to those who love Him” (1:12).

So what are you to do when the delay goes on, the pressure to give up increases, and you feel weary of beating yourself up with false guilt? It may sound like a platitude, but keep your eyes on the Lord and follow Him—no matter what. James tells us that the testing of our faith leads to perseverance, which works to make us “perfect and complete, lacking in nothing” (1:4).

God bless


Sunday, August 5, 2018

Going for God...........

Going for God

The struggle has come...…

Hello my friends and family!  First... let me ask for prayers!
I'm reaching out with a great need for my boys.  Since their dad's passing our financial state has slowly become a struggle.
Finances have become more of an issue this year now especially trying to pay for two boys to go to college.   We've filled out papers, forms and anything else we can find.   The boys are looking at more scholarships and even grants for more help.   But as of right now... we haven't had much of any luck.   With school starting in a couple weeks... we are reaching out here in hopes to get some help for David's Freshman year and Michael's Sophomore year.

Michael wants to become a Youth Pastor

David wants to pursue Worship Arts and Deaf Ministry.

I know the need seems large... but its to help them both.

We would appreciate the help!
As we sit here with our need... we understand that we aren't the only ones.   So if you cant spare the money ….. we could certainly use all the prayers we can get also!

Thank you all so much!
<>< God Bless!!!