Monday, December 21, 2009

We're here.................

in Florida!!! We arrived this morning and spent the day just checking the place out! Its awesome here!
We walked along the beach for a while... enjoying the sun... sand and water! The boys were so excited to be here.. yet so darn tired of being in the van! 1400 miles will do that to ya!
This is a picture of the beautiful beach... the awesome ocean... and some cute little birds walking along the sand.
This is my tired boys! With the sun blasting them in the face... they find just enough energy to stand for a picture for me!

The boys are sound asleep... Ken it relaxing and watching TV... I'm catching up on email and posting here :)
We went to the store today to stock the kitchen with food. With all they have here in the building ... we wont have to leave here the whole time we're here.
They have hourly activities every day.... pools inside and out to play in... shops... restaurants... and of course the OCEAN!
I'll take pics tomorrow of our condo and the boys enjoying their day. We have our little Christmas tree all set up with a few gifts already under it and the boys stockings laying empty.... waiting for Santa to visit and fill them!

okay... off I go. I need to get some rest... busy day tomorrow!
hugs... love & blessings to you all,

**In the beginning was the Word, and the Word was with God, and the Word was God. He was in the beginning with God. All things were made through him, and without him was not any thing made that was made. ~John 1:1-3**

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