Friday, December 11, 2009

Its Official.........

We're going to the Beach in Florida for Christmas!!!
This is a picture the owner of this condo sent us of the view from our balcony! AMAZING!
After spending last Christmas in Arizona & LasVegas... we've decided we are going to start a new tradition for the family. We're taking a new adventure every Christmas!! This Christmas its Florida....... wonder what next year will hold!
So this is what it looks like in Florida.............. ( sunny and 70*)

And this is what it looks like here at my house......(sunny with snow and 11*)
Playin' in the snow............

Now this is determination to play basketball!

Mystery Project update:
The 5 rows of 4 are all connected.
hmmmm.... off to connect more of those squares.... wonder what order they will be in now? hehehee :)
There are 5 pieces to this.

hugs... love & blessings,

**“You shall not bear false witness against your neighbor.” Exodus 20:16**

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