Wednesday, May 6, 2009

Some Sharing..............

RAOK'd........ (Random Act of Kindness)
I had a lovely package come in the mail... containing these beautiful Bookmarks from a wonderful RAOK Angel over at the 'ville.
Thank you so much................ I LOVE THEM!!!
This is a coaster set with dish to set them in for a gift at my daughter's baby shower this month.
I'll be making more of these along with other goodies.


**Love in the Carlton House.....................
My little David is at it again...... He and Michael rescued these six baby bunnies from our yard after our dog dug up the nest and such.
Through research on the Internet and some info from a pet store .. we have been doing out best to nurse these little babies.
Well..... with great sadness... over the last few days... 4 of them have passed away. Very sad time around here. Although David took it very well.. and understood going into this that it was going to be a possibility that they may not live. I explained to him that if they died.. at least they wouldn't be cold and alone. They would safe and loved!!
Yesterday we buried the sweet little 4 that now are hoping in the yards of Heaven.
While the boys were at school... I made this Burial Bag for the 4 babies. We wrapped them in soft tissue and placed them in the bag with a lovely hand written note from David. Ken dug them a nice spot next to our other lost pets. This summer the boys and I are going to craft a nice cross or headstone for our family (pet) members. We have a beautiful Iris bed there... but David would like a marker of some sort. So thats what we'll do.On a good note........... two bunnies are hangin' in there. They are eating well.. staying warm and getting lots of love.
you all have a GREAT day........
God loves you and so do I!!!
Hugs... Love... & Blessings
**I will be faithful to you and make you mine, and you will finally know me as the Lord.
~ Hosea 2:20,**


Ally said...

Sweet baby bunnies. David is being so strong, he has his great parents and God to help him. I love that you made them a buriel bag instead of just burying them. I hope the other 2 make it! We just had a litter of 5 kittens. =)

Shana Putnam said...

That is a beautiful way to commemorate a life or four. I too always wrap a pet or any animal in something before they are buried and we have a marker in our pet burial area.

Unknown said...

Oh, the sweet bunnies...I guess your David is their angel. They passed safely & you are bringing comfort to the survivors. That's so beautiful!

Love the crochet :)