Wednesday, May 27, 2009


“If your gift is to encourage others, be encouraging….” Romans 12:8
I was having a day, a day when I found myself slipping back into the pit of destructive thinking patterns. I knew what was happening and I almost enjoyed the anticipation of a pity party. It sounds crazy I know, but if we are honest with ourselves, there are times when the pit is a comfortable place to be. We are familiar with the surroundings. We know what to expect. We know what not to expect. And frankly speaking, it is easier to invite support in the pit than it is to get out. Can anyone agree?
After trying, unsuccessfully, to get someone to join my pity party, I decided to check my email. I read and responded to many emails. In one email, I shared some good news with a friend about a situation I had been praying about. Her response came back as I was sitting at the computer. The response was simply, "YEAH!!" In email world, a word typed in all caps followed by exclamation marks, indicates that the sender is shouting or at very least talking loud. The word popped out at me. I thought wow, I needed that. I responded with a thank you. Her return response said, "That's what friends are for."
Isn't it wonderful that Jesus reveals His love for us through others? He invites us to be a part of His plan to encourage and help His children.
In our world today it has become far too easy to become self-absorbed. Our lives move so fast that we can't see the needs others have, much less take the time to lend a word of encouragement. Encouraging others does not have a monetary cost. My friend did not have to spend a dime to make me feel encouraged. What she did took very little time out of her busy day. God took her words to help me change my focus and redirect my thoughts.
Today or perhaps tomorrow someone might need some encouragement. It will only take a few minutes of your time. God will invite you to help Him encourage one of His own. From one who received a gift of encouragement, accept His invitation.
Dear Lord, You are at work all the time. Help me to see You at work. Invite me to participate. I want to say yes to You and make a difference in someones life today. In Jesus’ Name, Amen.

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Hotpad made with 9 saltine granny's on the front... and a regular granny on the back.
Hotpad front....
Hotpad back with opening to put hands.

You all have a Encouraged day..............
**Proverbs 12:25, "An anxious heart weighs a man down, but a kind word cheers him up."**


sissie said...

This is so true. It is far easier to lay in our black dark pits at times then it is to pull our self up out and get back where we know god wants us!
Thank you my dear friend I will be pulling myself back up:)


Ally said...

Everyone needs encouragement now and then. =)

Love those hotpads! Reminds I need to make some for our kitchen.

Shana Putnam said...

Hi wanted you to know you have an award for your blog from my blog waiting here... I received it with the understanding I had to do so under 2 conditions. 1 I had to post 7 traits about myself and 2 I had to pass it along to 7 bloggers that I feel deserve it. Congrats and come on over and pick it up. God bless You!