Thursday, November 20, 2008

Big fun tonight........

Patrick has his first Basketball Game tonight ..... then we are racing off to a TobyMac concert!
I'm really excited.... I cant wait to see my big boy play basketball tonight. Someone please remind me to take my camera!!! :) I need to get pictures of my baby.
Michael has signed up for Basketball too... but hasnt started practice yet.
I love watching my boys! Gosh... I remember the days of my older babies playing baseball... preforming in Show Choir.... playing parts in plays and musicals.... Oh those days of watching them too. *Proud Mommy*

The concert should be great fun! We have 5th row seats in front of the stage. Michael will just spit being that close to Toby. He loves TobyMac!
Sorry for the short post... but I have myself busy today with Crocheting and Knitting.
I have a few projects I will show off hopefully tomorrow.
Have a WONDERFUL day!

God Bless you all,

**"A gentle answer turns away wrath, but harsh words stir up anger."
~ Proverbs 15:1**

1 comment:

Hermione Bagnold said...

TobyMac ROCKS! I saw him in concert as a part of DCTalk (still my fave group of all time) and again on his solo career...or was it Tait I saw on his solo career...would you believe I can't remember? Hmm. Don't forget your camera! ;)