Tuesday, April 28, 2020

Trust God........

.:: When you go through deep waters and great trouble, I will be with you.  When you go through rivers of difficulty, you will not drown! When you walk through the fire of oppression, you will not be burned up--the flames will not consume you. - Isaiah 43:2 ::.
{{{ When the hospital doors slide open and we aren't sure what news will greet us... God is compassionate.  When the boss calls us for a meeting and a dismissal is a real possibility... God is gentle.  When we return home late at night to find our personal treasures stolen or destroyed... God is comforting.  He cares so deeply for us!
Some see God as distant... vengeful or condemning.  Others see God as kind... affectionate and attentive.  Sometimes circumstances become too overwhelming.  Mountains of anxiety rise up and we feel isolated and alone.  Let no doubt take root!  He is a God who cares deeply...loves fully and remains faithful... ever at our side in times of trouble.  Though our sorrows overwhelm us.. he is the comfort that we need! }}}
** God... I choose to take your hand... offered in love and receive your comforting touch!  I remember your faithfulness.  Let it calm my heart!  You are with me and I will not drown or be consumed by fire!  Lord let me be compassionate and gentle to all.  You love us so unconditionally... no matter our choices... our beliefs or our mistakes!  Please keep my heart humble like yours!  I cling to your promises today! - Amen **


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