.:: I have learned in whatever situation, I am to be content. I know how to be brought low, and I know how to abound. In any and every circumstance, I have learned the secret of facing plenty and hunger, abundance and need. - Philippians 4:11-12 ::.
The key to unlocking contentment amidst the trials is in trusting that your needs have been met. As a world we are going through such tough times right now! Trust eliminates the spectrum between ... "life is good" and "life is bad." With trust... all life lived in the strength of Jesus is contentment. All life is satisfaction. Everything is a fulfillment of his promise that following him gives us just what we need.
Contentment grows in the midst of growing discomfort. Joy is found despite the trouble around every corner. A life of faith prospers amid the ruins. Comfort is found when you trust in your Father for everything. We don't need the trappings and shimmer of the temporary. Whether we have everything or nothing... we trade it all for the eternal.
** God... strengthen me to endure the worldly wanderings... especially during this time... for the hope and promise of my eternal existence. I believe that you will meet my every need. I beieve you for contentment today. - Amen ** 

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