Good Afternoon.................
What a beautiful day!!! Sun is shinning... not to hot out... so many flowers have bloomed... butterflies fluttering all about.... and just plain peaceful!
I love Gods world! I love being a child in Gods world!
Thank you Father God for sending Jesus to take my sins and set me free! Free to follow you and live a life of loving you Lord! Free to have a relationship with my Father God! You're only truly free when you live a life with and for God!
And with that... I will be leaning on God a lot more this month... because it is and will be an emotional month...
I'm getting ready to send my last two children off to school these next couple weeks. One is off to his Freshman year in College and the other one is off to his Senior year in High School! I cant believe how fast the years have gone by.
My oldest and youngest have birthdays coming up... and my wedding anniversary is on the 29th.
I'm always a crazy basket case on the first day of school. I miss my kids so much all day while their at school. I cant believe I'm down to my last baby here at home.
I will miss my oldest for his birthday .... but I was blessed to have him home last month for mine.
My youngest... wow... cant believe how he's so grown. Celebrating his 17th birthday this month... his Senior year in High School ... and his new job at our local HyVee Starbucks! Busy boy!
The end of this month will be the 2nd year of celebrating my wedding anniversary without my love!
He was definitely that
'one of a kind' kind of man! We never wanted for anything! Family... that's what this house is all about! Love... kindness... sharing... support... giving... and our Faith!!
I do want to share a couple fun things I've been working on lately....
I love my crochet time at night after a busy day of working my flower seed business!
This is a girl baby blanket in the works...
~12 point star~
This is a toddler or lap blanket that is just about done......
Well.... its time to get some more work done around here and then off to dinner with family!
I love Tuesday night family dinners!
Have a wonderful day and evening!
God Bless
Today's Bible Verse..........
For he has made him to be sin for us, who knew no sin; that we might be made the righteousness of God in him. ~ 2 Corinthians 5:21