So our fun begins with a visitor. Early morning barking comes from our garage from our two dogs. One of my older sons that is staying with us for a while gets up to go see what the commotion is all about. He opens the garage door and this sweet little schnauzer runs in past him and into the house. We think its a neighbors dog that has been here before... but had a fresh hair cut.. so looked a bit different. So off Ken goes to take the little baby home......... Ummmm.... the dog we think is missing answered the door with his owner. Well.......... that means its not the neighbors dog. Luckily this cutie had a dog tag from the local vet. So after a few phone calls .... we find the owner of "Bacon" Ken takes Bacon home and then heads off to a client site to work. So we all settle in for a relaxing day. All of a sudden... the barking starts again from outside.......... little David goes to the front door... opens it ............ and YUP... in comes Bacon. So we call her owner to let him know. He is off to work for the day... so we offer to babysit Bacon until he gets home. Well... you can see from this picture... Bacon had a day of serious spoiling.

Now this is just too funny................ look at my living room filled with my family and LAPTOPS!

This is a Coaster set I made ... with a few drink mixes for a Coaster swap I'm part of. I think these flower coasters are my favorite style. I made them from cotton yarn that was in one of the several bags of yarn my Aunt gave me this last weekend. OmGosh............ can we say A LOT of Yarn!!!?!!! 2 totes and 5 large bags of yarn! I will be crocheting on free yarn for some time! My Aunt is so good to me.............. she spoils me somethin' awful! I love you Aunt Joycie!

This was created in our yard by a tarp we had laid out with some things on it.... we moved it today to finish mowing and get the stuff tossed out...................... hmmm is it just me ... or does this look like Texas? heheheeeee

This is a dishcloth I received from a lovely lady on the 'ville through a KISS (keep it simple swap) Dishcloth swap.

Well.............. off to get some crocheting done..... I have swaps and charity items to get to.
you all have a GREAT day!
**You can make this choice by loving the Lord your God, obeying him, and committing yourself firmly to him. This is the key to your life… Deuteronomy 30:20**
1 comment:
hehe Looks like Tx to me :)
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