W.I.P. (work in progress)
I have several WIP's ....... this being one of them. Its going to be a Big Beautiful Bag. I've spent some time studying the bag that was made for me... so that I may attempt to make something at least close. I have to say... I'm pleased at how its coming along so far.
From the moment I started the first stitches.. this became a WIP. It will be until I am completely done with it. Even if I was to set this aside for months... it would still be a WIP. If I want it to get done... I have to stay focused... believe in myself that I can do it... and have patience. Will the project frustrate me? Maybe. The pattern might not work... the yarn might tangle... the stitches may not match up.... but all my whining ... and begging aloud wont change those things. Now my focused attitude upon myself in being confident that I can do it .. will then change the way the project goes.
If they just loved me no matter what.
If they just understood me.
If I could just get him to read the bible with me.
If they would just listen... they would see.
While surfing the net... I came across this book, Power of a Praying Wife, certainly if I began praying diligently for others everything would be fixed. I was able to get a sneak peek at the book, ready to change others through prayer. Imagine my surprise when the first thing the author suggested was that I pray for myself! My intentions in looking into this book was to change others through my prayers, not to change me. That really opened my eyes. Maybe God didn't want to change my everyone else ; maybe He wanted to change me! Maybe I NEED to change first!
While surfing the net... I came across this book, Power of a Praying Wife, certainly if I began praying diligently for others everything would be fixed. I was able to get a sneak peek at the book, ready to change others through prayer. Imagine my surprise when the first thing the author suggested was that I pray for myself! My intentions in looking into this book was to change others through my prayers, not to change me. That really opened my eyes. Maybe God didn't want to change my everyone else ; maybe He wanted to change me! Maybe I NEED to change first!
This has shifted my focus on what God could do in and through me. Instead of trying to figure out how His Word applied to everyone else, I need to focus on how it applies to me. As I will pray for myself, I also begin praying for others. This time I will stay out of God's way and let Him work in all our hearts.
I am a wife..... friend... daughter... mother... etc. but even before that I am a child of God. I pray my marriage and relationships lasts forever, but I have no guarantee of that. I do have the guarantee that my relationship with Jesus will. That's the relationship I must work on first. Amazingly, when that one is right, the rest falls into place. It doesn't mean that all is well, but it means I am well.
The next time you find yourself yearning for more from your relationships , think about this. Instead of asking, "How is my marriage doing?" or "How is my relationship with my family or friends?" Ask "How am I doing?" or "How is my relationship with Jesus?"
We are all still a WIP.... it takes time.. patience ... and faith. But with the love of God... it can and will be complete!
Have a wonderful day!
Huge Hugs......... Lots of Love.... & Bountiful Blessings,
.:: Tam ::.
**For we are God's masterpiece. He has created us anew in Christ Jesus, so we can do the good things He planned for us long ago.
~ Ephesians 2:10**
~ Ephesians 2:10**
1 comment:
I love the bag you're working on and I especially enjoyed your devotional. It is so very true that we are all works in progress and we so often want God to fix everyone else so we can be complete. What an eye opener when we discover we're the one that needs the most fixing! Eye opening and quite humbling as well. I am so thankful He will finish the good work He started in me! I enjoy so much reading your posts and the way you apply the scripture to your projects and your daily living. Great post!
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