Sunday, February 8, 2009

Whole family sick....

Yep... we're a bunch of sickos.... even my laptop is sick again....... *sigh*
We stayed home from Church today to try and get some rest. I made a big pot of homemade Chicken Noodle soup..... and later a batch of brownies to cheer us up.
Ken is going to take my laptop to the computer doctor again and see what they can do. Sure hope its nothing serious... I like that darn thing.
Anyway.... off to go sit and crochet... that's my kinda of resting... :)

have a wonderful rest of the weekend!
Be back as soon as I can!

hugs ... love... and blessings,

Romans 12:12


Marie Anne said...

I'm tagging you....go to my blog and follow the rules for the 6th picture challenge!

Diane said...

This is my first time to visit your blog and I LOVE it! I am so sorry to hear that all of your family is sick. Praying for health and healing for you all. God bless!


teakaycee said...

oh... fun MarieAnne! Thanks for tagging me!

Diane... thank you for your compliment and well wishes! We're all feeling better... not totally good as new... but better! You're prayers are very much appreciated!

God Bless!