Sunday, April 10, 2011

God is on Your Side

"The Lord will fight for you." Exodus 14:14

I read these words and draw in a deep breath. I need them right now. Don't we all? Oh, we may not go to war.

But we fight...for relationshipsfor dreams

We battle...against illness and against discouragement. I think of you staring at the screen, perhaps feeling your strength is small. Oh, yes, I know what that's like.

But victory isn't up to us. And those words you sometimes hear? "You're not worth fighting for." They're a lie. Nothing more.

This is the truth from the heart of One who calls you His own:

You are loved.

You are worth fighting for.

You are even worth dying for.

So go into your day, strong friend, knowing that nothing can defeat you.

You've already won. ~*~ hg & blessings


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