Tuesday, January 5, 2010

Show & Share .....

of projects made and/or started while on Christmas vacation!

I call this my Florida Fishcloth. Made this little guy while sitting with the boys at the pool on a late night swim.

This is some yummy yarn I picked up at a Local Yarn Shop (LYS) in Daytona! There was a scarf pattern available near this yarn... so I picked it up too.

This is what I have done so far on the scarf! Its about half done.
And this lovely lady is Sue (aka: TurtleLvr) She lives in Florida and met up with us for lunch. While her hubby and my guys went for a walk... her and I went into the yarn shop .......... oh the pretty yarn!!! It was awesome meeting her! HUGS Sue!!!
More posts to come this week of our Christmas vacation... as I organize pics.
hugs...love & blessings,
**Train up a child in the way he should go; even when he is old he will not depart from it. ~ Proverbs 22:6**

1 comment:

Ghost said...

fish follow me where ever I go.
just checking on everyone. and delurking.