5 years

You’ve missed so much here physically on earth in five years! Our children and all their accomplishments!! Grandbabies that have grown up turning into young adults and the new ones being born!! I’ve missed sharing all that and so much more with you over these last 5 years!
I miss your hand in mine as we would walk the gravel road and talk about our kids and/or the plans for our future!
I miss your smile as I would look up from writing out the grocery list... and you would say how serious I looked planning out the family meals! You know how much I love to feed our kids!!
I miss how you would mispronounce words... and although I would laugh and correct you... you still mispronounced them. After a while it just became the new new way to say it! To this day Babybel cheese will never be pronounced properly by anyone in the family!

I miss how you would hold me close during a storm in the middle of the night!
I miss our pot of coffee in the morning as we planned our day... and our glass of wine at night as we planned our future!
No matter which one of our kids I look at... I see you! There is a memory there!! A memory in their eyes... their smile... their laugh or their tears!
You gave everything to our family!! You loved our children so so much!! You loved me so deeply!! Your love for us was that unconditional Godly love!
5 years.... and I still don’t know how to do this “living without you” thing!!! I don’t like it ... and I don’t want to!!!